the love thread

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Arnold is/was so fucking cool.
Best. Movies. Ever!
Predator is still my #1.

Predator is fucking awesome. Arnie is the king.

Yes Commando is made shocking badly but thats what makes it so fucking good. The quotes are unbelieably funny, the action is sex. And the main baddy is a New Zealand homosexual Freddie Mercury but fatter wannabe, who wears a chain mail vest! Im sorry but you say thats shit?! Sort your life out.
I love metal
I love industrial
I love Friday nights and Saturdays
I love my new phone
I love my baby bro
I love Dark Tranquillity
I love my kitty
I love Kalmah
I love wasting time at work (not really, I'd rather be sleeping... speaking of which...)
I love sleep
I love sex
I love pills
I love concerts
I love local shows
I love my car
I love A Perfect Circle
I love Nine Inch Nails
I love Scorsese
I love film
I love pasta
Hell, I love food.

Me too!

(when I get some). I can only get weed lately. I drink and smoke weed and drink and smoke weed and get rly FUCKED UP. that's how I get fucked up lately. I have to smoke outside and freeze my fucking ass off so have to bring a beer outside too!. When you smoke weed on your sixth beer it's like WOW!.
My friend told me that he had a vision of our galaxy and saw two direction. One was "Death" and second was "Exit". He choose the "Exit" direction and he woke up.
You should. I didn't try it but it is not addictive, but the effect is pretty damn short. You have to smoke alot of it to be fucked up for a long time.
You know what will get you more fucked up ?. Morning Glory seeds(not kidding), me and a friend tripped hard for around 6,8 hours once.

Only these kinda though.

Heavenly Blues, Pearly Gates, and Flying Saucers are all known to be effective

The only reason we did this nasty shit is because we could not get shrooms.
Shrooms destroys your body from the inside, soon you're organs will be fucked up.

Utter destruction of yourself FTW! :kickass:
I am currently in mandatory counseling/rehab (thus my lack of posting lately)

It was given to me after the whole alchohol poisioning incident, after I miserably failed the tox screen at the hospital.

so yeah, drugs are bad.
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