the love thread

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I love when cops do stupid shit getting arrested and end up on the news for America to see how much of a dipshit they are, and these stupid cops start generalizations for all cops and open up more dislike for authority figures.
I hate when you go to the only local little music store to get guitar strings and the guy is not even there or on lunch break. You have a business so get in your fucking store and sell shit. fucker
seriously, glaciers are melting like its nothing, forests are being cut down. the trees cant handle all the Co2.
"but its natural, the earth warms and cools all the time"
not at this speed you dipshit!!!!!

Humans have fucked this planet beyond repair. I hope and dare I say "pray" that something band ends the lives of 95% of us dumb fucks.
Susperia, how did you get Krig's password? What have you done to him?

Seriously though, I agree with you.
I love when cops do stupid shit getting arrested and end up on the news for America to see how much of a dipshit they are, and these stupid cops start generalizations for all cops and open up more dislike for authority figures.

I love it when dipshits hate on cops, and think that in an anarchic society, everything would be roses and kisses and sweet hugging.

Cops are what keep your fucking society from functioning like Iraq.
I love it when dipshits hate on cops, and think that in an anarchic society, everything would be roses and kisses and sweet hugging.

Cops are what keep your fucking society from functioning like Iraq.

I realize there are tons of great cops. I'm just saying shit head cops suck and that sometimes people get weird perceptions on things because negative aspects and it's sad these cops let every cop down by doing something idiotic. People can start doubting. I'm not saying tons of cops are out doing stupid shit.

Honestly still there is probably a lot that gets covered up that does not make it on the news.
On the contrary, most cops do stupid shit. It's what keeps them sane. Police officers, like most professions, are a mix of cunts and good chaps. Not all cops join because they need a power trip or because they were bullied at school!

Shit head cops suck. Shit head plumbers suck. Shit head store clerks suck. Maybe your message should have been more on the lines that shit heads suck?
I love it when dipshits hate on cops, and think that in an anarchic society, everything would be roses and kisses and sweet hugging.

Cops are what keep your fucking society from functioning like Iraq.

Anachists are possibly the stupidest people on the planet earth. To think that a society with absolutely no order or government would function at all is completely idiotic. Cops will always have my respect because they're what keeps my ass from getting shot every time I walk out the door.
On the contrary, most cops do stupid shit. It's what keeps them sane. Police officers, like most professions, are a mix of cunts and good chaps. Not all cops join because they need a power trip or because they were bullied at school!


My older brother is a cop in New York City, and he's certainly not some unstable psycho looking to bully people around.

I hear about a lot of the obnoxious shit they do and say to people, and you're right when you say it's to keep them sane. They have a very demanding and dangerous job, so they need to have some laughs ever now and then.

Also, people complain about them being too hardassed sometimes. Like, "why are you getting on my for loitering? Why don't you go look for muggers and shit?". He told me that they actually do that on purpose, because if the cops in one area are known as hardasses who will hassle you for any minor infraction, the real criminals stay away.
On the contrary, most cops do stupid shit. It's what keeps them sane. Police officers, like most professions, are a mix of cunts and good chaps. Not all cops join because they need a power trip or because they were bullied at school!

Shit head cops suck. Shit head plumbers suck. Shit head store clerks suck. Maybe your message should have been more on the lines that shit heads suck?

The stupid fucks that do need power trips are mall cops, however. Not to sound like some punk ass teenager, but some fat faggot crackhead (literally, I am personal friends with someone who sells the mallcops crack regularly) mall cops have tried to fight some of my friends and I regularly. I find most real cops to be pretty cool, however.
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