the love thread

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As I said recently, I am on probation until next year, as well as massive amounts of community service. I have to take the van with all of the gangster convicts and pick trash and shit up. I know one coke dealing wigger who does the same program on the same day, and besides being a wigger he is pretty cool. At least I have some company.
If you get a shitty probation officer, it sucks ass. Mine makes me write a ton. Long essays. He is currently making me write my life story, beginning to end. He also said I am not allowed to go to concerts more than an hour away. He also told me he plans on making my life a living hell if he has to.
Something along the lines of possesion of drugs, possesion of alchohol under 21, being drunk in an extremely public place and puking everywhere (UNDER 21), and stealing some ladies wallet. Extremely lucky I'm not in jail right now. The drugs part isn't all that serious, it was about a gram and a half of weed. But I have mandatory drug an alchohol counseling and tests nowadays. Sucks dick.
Ha, I'm in trouble for driving underage, careless driving (hit some really nice mailbox), and now for theft (I stole somebody's wallot that was left in the middle floor of the locker room)

Wallets are so tempting :lol:

The one I stole was in a desk; all the other drawers were locked except for that one. :Smug:
Oh, chill out, will you? Don't start pointless flamewars. Opeth is just fine, and this is coming from a kvlt tr00 Black Metal freak.

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