the love thread

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Something along the lines of possesion of drugs, possesion of alchohol under 21, being drunk in an extremely public place and puking everywhere (UNDER 21), and stealing some ladies wallet. Extremely lucky I'm not in jail right now. The drugs part isn't all that serious, it was about a gram and a half of weed. But I have mandatory drug an alchohol counseling and tests nowadays. Sucks dick.

Dude, in the UK you probably wouldn't have ended up in court for that lot. Our crime and justice policy is fucked.

Possession of Cannabis: "informal warning" (i.e. the cop confiscates it, you get told not to smoke the weed)

Possession of alcohol under 21: If you're under 18, you might get your booze confiscated, but chances are not.

Drunk and disorderly: £80 "fixed penalty notice" (A ticket/fine)

Theft: (If no previous convictions, likely to be a "caution" - which is an entry on your criminal record that results in no court appearance, no fine and no actual penalty).

It's virtually impossible to go to jail here - unless you are less intelligent than your average bathing sponge.
I want to move there...actually on second thought I won't be the one doing that shit, and the people that do will be walking the streets...nevermind. :erk:
I used to think that was the best song ever, but then I started to listen to REAL metal.

stfu you ignorant cunt.

Ha, I'm in trouble for driving underage, careless driving (hit some really nice mailbox), and now for theft (I stole somebody's wallot that was left in the middle floor of the locker room)

lol stupid

you are terrible, go away

You have no room to talk.

black blood you set new standards for metal nerdiness, even for this board

wtf is wrong with you. You are a nerd for being obsessed with bodybuilding.
Agreed. It can be very frustrating. To cut it to the chase, the government wont spend any more tax money on expanding the public sector (in this case building prisons) - which are now so full that we can't house all the prisoners.

Meanwhile, the liberal fucks want a more "progressive and understtanding approach" to justice. I don't know much, but I have observed in ten years as a cop that burglars don't get a chance to burgle your house when they live in a fucking cell. Ditto for robbers, thieves, rapists,, you get the picture.

I'm not a huge fan of some aspects of American society, but by jove I wish we had your sentencing guidelines and prison-in-the-form-of-tents-and-work-parties-in-the-middle-of-a-desert system.
I really doubt anybody on this board has ever been laid with 2 girls at the same time

I have eleven years ago. It was shit. They weren't even remotely lesbian, and having but the one cock and the manual dexterity of Stephen Hawkings, I came to the conclusion that one girl at a time was all I required, thank you very much. It was like juggling while riding a unicycle: impressive to watch, but impossible in practice.
hey, look at me. I only get 7 miles per gallon. but my truck is big and has lots of power... im so cool! yay.

fucking morons. save money, save energy, save the environment. but they are just fucking dumb
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