the love thread

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Hey you don't like metalcore, your such an ignorant cunt. (See where I'm going...) Thats how it makes your an ignorant cunt for calling someone one because they don't like a band you like.

(Just an example)

Because I have the right to like and dislike what I want.

I was calling you an ignorant cunt because you claimed Opeth is not real metal.
man it is unreal outside

the thickest fog I have ever seen, I was just driving and the about the only thing I could see were black rectangles with 2 lights (talking about cars)
He made a good point that should end the argument because it is pretty hard to disagree with if you know what you are talking about.
I'm not a huge fan of some aspects of American society, but by jove I wish we had your sentencing guidelines and prison-in-the-form-of-tents-and-work-parties-in-the-middle-of-a-desert system.

Tent City is a great system. It's a shame that it wouldn't be possible to have all of the countries prisoners stuck out there in the desert or on an island.
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