the love thread

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I love this "humanoid sighting report" I just read at this site I go to:

here is the entire article
"The witness, a defense contractor, had stepped outside his work place to smoke a cigarette when he started to get a beeping sensation in his ear. His first thought was that he was listening to a forklift and he tried to ignore it. Right after that an overwhelming fear came over him and he started looking around. He looked up and saw a gray being hovering about 20feet in the air. The being was wearing a dark cloak, almost like a long trench coat. He couldn't see its body but could see its head. The rest of it was just this cloak floating up in the air. The witness began to panic since he didn't know what to do. His first feeling was that "he couldn't run or hide". Suddenly the strange humanoid floated up and disappeared. He described the being as about 4 to 4.5 feet tall; wearing what resembled a dark monk's cloak. Its head was clearly bigger that the rest of it. It had large black almond shaped eyes, kind of slanted, he didn't see a nose and it had a slit for a mouth. Before the creature departed the witness heard this telepathic message in his mind, "We can find you whenever we want to."

haha, how cool is that??
haha, here is another Sighting Report, this one is even better:

"The witness happened to glance out her bedroom window and saw a “landed starship”. The object was a “seaweed green” color. Sort of silvery with white lights, the ship had as set steps built into the hatch that lowered down to exit the ship. The ship was round with an “octagon dome”. The lights were turn down and went to a “dark blue” color. She said three entities walked across the street and stood by a tree and street lamp. They seemed to be talking to each other. She isn’t sure all three were actually from the “starship.” The number of entities varied as the witness reported her story, sometimes 3 and sometimes 5.
One male was approximately 5’7”, he had dark hair, and wore a sort of “Count Dracula” type cape, with a pointed collar, and he wore all black with a red sash across the front. He had black boots which came up almost to the thigh. There was a female with a pink sequence type jumpsuit, with shorter boots. Another male had a bad case of skin rash or sunburn; he had “worry” lines on his forehead. One side of his face was covered with an eye-patch of some sort. He was dressed in tan colors with tan thigh length boots. He wore a chocolate vest with pins on it. The witness became frightened and closed the curtains and apparently did not see the object and its occupants depart."

Apparantly they are describing a human manned starship :OMG:
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