the love thread

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does anybody there listen to metal (ukraine)??
err... kind of strange question.
Yes, of course. Here are a lot of metalheads. Not my friends though. None of my friends is a metalhead.
Oh, except that ones that Im starting a band with. But those are not close friends.
I just found out my Abruptum t-shirt says "No Mosh, No Core, No Fun, No Trends"

awesome. inversion of the old Maximum Rock N Roll adage. good. fuck that left-wing peace punk hippie bullshit magazine.

What are you talking about? Euronymous coined that term BITD. It was the motto of Deathlike Silence, who released two Abruptum albums.

What MRR adage are you referring to???
I will come to you while you'll be sleeping and take all your coffee away.

It's 2 in the morning and I'm going to bed. take my coffee... I will be somewhere far in dreamland into the depths of endless journey and discovery!
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