the MAN thread

I punched a friend of mine in the face during a class cause he was getting on my nerves. we had a fight etc ... but now we are friends again lol.
I also watched that strange leather-clothed woman trying to have a live abortion while i was playing with my band.
There was this bastard who broke my shoulder once also. I calmed down my friends telling them it was no use making a punitive expedition.. I think this is *MAN* we could have dismembered him and break-dance on his guts but 20 guys against 1 isnt fair ... I'll put him to court instead and one day he'll have his elbows and knees broken without knowing who did it ... :flame:

AH !! most important ! I put my head in the freezer while I was drunk once ! MAN !! :(
When I was about 12, a chicken attacked my small dog and the dog still 2 month old started cryin, i got angry and chocked the chicken to death and then we ate it for DINNER **MAN**

:lol: :p
I once took a ball in face when we were playing hurley and busted my nose open, I got sent off the pitch but ran back on to join a big scrap that started in the oppositions goal mouth

When I was like 14, we were playin' footy at school and I took this very powerful shot at goal and a girl got hit in the face behind the goalpost... She wouldn't talk to me for some weeks... She was a stupid little bitch though so I did not care about it...

*proud bastard*

Oh you remember me of something! We had sports in school when I was 13 or 14 and normally boys and girls are seperated for that, but the girls teacher was absent so boys and girls played footy together. My ex-girlfriend was the goalkeeper from the other team and I was ready to shoot... I hit the ball as hard as I could, stupid bitch thought she could stop the ball. Result: broken arm!! :grin: She was dead angry, even much angrier than before :grin: I thought it was funny :grin: The teacher didn't though :cry: We had some unmanly talking after the sports lesson
we were at school once, talking with some mates, and i picked my nose and wipped my finger on one of me mate's cheek. then he started to run after me but me and me mates had him in a headlock and beaten him up *man*
... but i will tell you what i did today....



So i was walking outside of the stadium of Panathinaikos with a t-Shirt of Olympiakos......

That't very manly believe me :p :P :lol: