the MARSHALL appreciation thread!


Jul 27, 2005
i love marshalls.
while there are certainly better amps for studio use (unless you go for the 80s classic metal sound of course), NOTHING comes close to a marshall in a live setting.
they're just perfectly voiced live amps....tight and defined, but not overbearing bottom end, detailed highs, and a great midrange that just sits sooo nicely in a live mix without stepping on any other instrument.

the only thing they don't handle quite as well as other amps is low tuning....anything below C gets sorta weird for some reason.

after having owned a jcm800 2210 for a few years (and selling it in favor of a fireball 100, just because i need a decent clean channel) i'm without a marshall right now...frequently playing a jmp-1 and tsl 100 though, but it's not mine.

is anyone running a jcm800 reissue with a boss gt-4/6/8/10 using the 4 cable method? theoretically, that should give you that boosted 800 marshall sound, with a decent (modeler) clean channel, and a bunch of fx too. very tempting setup.

anyways....just share your marshall love in this thread.
i know lasse is digging the 2203kk, and it does indeed seem like a killer amp.
any word on the jvm series?
I've got me a JCM900 SL-X, I love that amp. I don't use it so much these days, but I couldn't part with it. Love it live for sure.
I had a shot of a Marshall JVM head while I was waiting for my Orange. I honestly think the only Marshall that beats it is a JCM800. Fantastic sound!
While I certainly do enjoy the modern sounds that come from 5150, 6505, Mesa Boogies, ... I LOVE Marshall tone, always have, always will. Marshall dirt and Fender cleans (toss in a little Vox chime too) and I'll die a happy man.
Of the new marshalls I like the 2203kk best (like that one a lot!) current love is indeed a 78 jmp2203 though ....with hotmod.
I agree on the low tuning thing.
Marshals work exceptionally well with passive pups btw. I've never been a fan of the 2210 (well, not quite true, I love it for doom, sludge etc!...not so much for thrash/modern stuff tho). I hate the 4100 jcm 900 dual reverbs, but I really like the jcm900 mkIII (with a slight modification) as well as the sl/x ( would love to have one of those).
There can be only one .....



The JMP2203
Got a white 1982 jcm800 2204 here. I love it, records so well. Haven't really used it live myself in a long time but I think I'm gonna bust it out for the next few jams with the band to see how it goes. Loaned it to a few bands over the last year and people keep asking to buy it off me. Same goes for bands I record, keep trying to buy it off me. No thanks!

In other things Marshall I've a 100 watts a side el34 stereo power amp. Can't remember the model (9100?) but it's a beast. Really brings my Peavey Rockmaster to life. Also got one of the Marshall 425a greenback loaded cabs. Sounds awesome live, gotta play around with it a bit more recording wise though, it's very different to record than a V30 or Gt75 loaded cab I think. Got a 2X12 too thats nice. Used to always use it but now I've played a bit more with other speakers I'm not quite so fond of the GT75's.

Got alot of love for the Marshall stuff here!
I love the Marshall Kerry King Signature, played it a few times and heard it live 2 times, the guitar player who played
it always had a great sound and just cutted through the mix, even if at one of the shows, the guitar player really
sucked, but you could hear all his mistakes :D

Love Mine more than is possible to express.
I used to have a 2205 and a dsl 100 and while those were both really good amps. This one makes you go FUCK YEAH! now THATS a Marshall
I have a '77 JMP 2203 with KT66's and love it! Also a '87 800 2203 (modded to be more like a JMP, less gain looser lows and more low mids) with the mods being footswithable. Love both of them!
Also have two cabs to go with them: early 70's blackback cab and a late '80s greenback cab. The JMP with greenback combo gets the most use here:)

I'm also a fan of the 900 MKIII and the SLX, not too much of the dual reverb 900's, they sound too thin and not alive to me. Although the clean channel cranked can give you a good rock ´n roll sound!
2210 sounds great recorded but I don´t really like its response when I play it on the gain channel.
i was surprised that there's such a large difference between the 2210 vs 2203.
while the former has considerably more gain, it's better suited to lead playing's very compressed (for a marshall...), and slow melodic leads really sing. the rhythm sound on the other hand doesn't quite have the balls of a definitely need a boost with the 2203, but overall the sound is more raw and punchy....
i'm really tempted by the reissue 2203, the fx loop should really come in handy with this amp.

as for the jvm range, is it closer to the jcm2000 series or the older stuff? i only briefly tried the jvm 410 and it probably was one of the noisiest amp i've ever played. even more noise than the 5150. stupid amounts of gain, did kinda lack the marshall clarity and punch, but i haven't really fiddled around with it so i might be off here.

i'm actually enjoying the jcm2000 tsl100 crunch channel, too. the lead channel is indeed sorta meh, but the crunch can work nicely for thrashy rhythms. it's a pretty bitey sound, but if you pair it up with a fatter sounding amp it can blend really well in a live mix.
Started with a valvestate mkII and own a jcm2000 tsl100 head. Love it. Crunch channel has a nice oldskool sound to it, lead isn't all that great (has a lot of humming in it, designflaw) but as I don't use it much, it's no biggy.
Recently took my valvestate to a rehearsal because one of the amps there died. For such a cheap thing, it's not that bad either.
TSL's I'm not a fan of, never sounded much better than the solid state marshalls I found. DSL's on the other hand are great rock amps.

New valvestates sound garbage but the old ones are actually pretty good and can be had on ebay dirt cheap.
Love 'em!
Don't own one at the moment, but my dream amp is a 1959SLP from 68.
A Caswell-modified 1959T wouldn't be all bad either! ;)
I love my JVM. Yes it's no 2203. Yes it is very compressed (modern) and noisy (get a Decimator). But a 2203 can never do what a 5150 does. The JVM is imho close to the 5150, the crunch channel and OD1 green can get some JCM vibe but if you want a JCM, get a JCM. It does a lot of things and does them well. It has it's own thing going though.

Anyone like the Bugera 1990? It's an SL-X ripoff and seems quite close to that sound.