the mood thread

The best thing about the pic is that it's called "crappy snow".

There's also snow here, but it fell in a hanseatic way: moderately.
I'd like to watch a film now, but I could do that only if I went to the cinema, which I don't really like doing alone, well, not at all, it makes me sad. I think watching films is not a solitary thing, maybe at home, but then you know the others are around you, even if they're not watching the film, and it's a consoling thing.
Poetry Day today!

Het konijn

Peinzend zit
het konijn
in zijn hok.

Hij telt eens
zijn keutels en
neemt een slok.

Als hij het
nou voor het
kiezen had,

dan koos hij
zeker het

Bas Rompa​

It's Poetry Day today so I thought I'd post this poem about a suicidal bunny.
Einsamer unterm Stenenzelt
Geht durch die Mitternacht.
Der Knab aus Träumen wirr erwacht,
Sein Antlitz grau im Mond verfällt.

Die Närrin weint mit offnem Haar
Am Fenster, das vergittert starrt.
Im Teich vorbei auf süßer Fahrt
Ziehn Liebende sehr wunderbar.

Der Mörder lächelt bleich im Wein,
Die Kranken Todesgrausen packt.
Die Nonne betet wund und nackt
Vor des Heilands Kreuzespein.

Die Mutter leis' im Schlafe singt.
Sehr friedlich schaut zur Nacht das Kind
Mit Augen, die ganz wahrhaft sind.
Im Hurenhaus Gelächter klingt.

Beim Talglicht drunt' im Kellerloch
Der Tote malt mit weißer Hand
Ein grinsend Schweigen an die Wand.
Der Schläfer flüstert immer noch.

Georg Trakl - Romanze Zur Nacht

althea said:
Poetry Day today!
it's Angelika day here :)

mood: happy-happy, I could finally get the DVD
Can't stop now. :grin:

The More Loving One by W. H. Auden

Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
But on earth indifference is the least
We have to dread from man or beast.

How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.

Admirer as I think I am
Of stars that do not give a damn,
I cannot, now I see them, say
I missed one terribly all day.

Were all stars to disappear or die,
I should learn to look at an empty sky
And feel its total dark sublime,
Though this might take me a little time.
Oooh fuck off! This is sweet and lovely and innocent... Let me have my little piece of uncomplicatedness in this hectic day.
I found my first girlfriend that I went out with back in 1991/92 on a site that helps people to reunited. So I feel quite happy, it's surprising, didn't think I'd get in contact again