the mood thread

we should all have a forum meet in Dublin, ill be your host, loads of verbal abuse, drugs, beer, noise and stuff, be great craic
i'm not sure i'll dare, though he was amused when i was asking him bout bollywood movies (mehdi's idea after i told him the shop -white night btw- has a video rental thing now) amused... well he's gonna have some bollywood pretty soon in he said hehe
You don't have permission to access /forum/showthread.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. ""

damn! anyone else gets this when trying to open a thread? happens a lot lately and it's very annoying :(
All kinds of shit is happening on UM lately, my problem is basically that it refuses to load a lot of times.

The other very annoying problem is "no thread specified" or what.