the mood thread

Strangelight said:
why do you think you are idiots?
from this thread i can see three deffo non-idiots and they would be stranelight, bastet and autumnsphere. i have had the pleasure of admiring all your brains :erk:
Strangelight said:
I was mightily pissed off when I woke up. The last 30 seconds of my dream was Howard Kendall shouting "go on, go and do them" at me as I was just about to come on as sub. :(
On the positive side I have a 6 pack of Monster Munch that I had forgotten about.

Quality, I love pickled onion monster munch, your fav too? yeh dead good, but just at the moment I've been going for McCoys Cheddar and Onion, give them a go, also not half bad are cheese Quavers, Cheese and onion Square crisps, but I remember going through a stage when pickled onion Monster Munch really tickled my hairy ones, that good and that :blush:
I was working till 6am, went to bed at 7 and got up at an hour and a half ago *sleepy*. At least I got quite a lot of tips :grin: .. a guy even gave me 10euro
hope you feel better, caro :)

i feel very energetic this morning; i'm going to do some painting today,just walls tho, but i really feel like it
I think I'm getting a cold too. I've got a runny nose and I can't breath. But I feel great! I had a perfect weekend! :)
DragonLady1 said:
dont let the cold take u ;) hope its not getting worse... :erk:

I'm fighting it!! Hope you're feeling better!! Lots of chickensoup might help. ;)
"Veel beterschap!" = Get well soon from Belgium. :)
now feeling pretty nervous. Today I gotta do some vocal bits again for my bands upcoming three track demo. Last time I did them we ran out of time so they basically suck. I hope I can do better, cause if I can't, well... I suck. :zzz: