I may have written similar things and or thoughts in this very thread that you did in the first paragraph, sophia. But then again most of the times you are too close to your own life and achievements to really see that the time might have not gone to a waste, you know. Maybe there's someone a little envious of you and your goals or doings.
I've felt the same way in past few months for example, but for some reason I didn't count recording a three-song-demo with my band, or making shitloads of pictures for schools I'm applying to, or trying to come up with a proper idea and image for a cd-cover, or arranging a four-month-vacation for myself, as being anything worthwhile. There's always some things you should feel good about.
aah. rant-y-rant. I feel quite good.
bullshit, I feel excited. My trip starts in three weeks.