the mood thread

Content too. I had a good day: Siesta with the sun shining into my pale face. Meeting old friends from highschool for a little table-tennis match (the first one in ages). A nice chat with a friend in the US. And now preparing my stuff for a skiing trip to Austria that starts on Friday... :)
Spring has already started here...its chilly at times but still you can see the sun most mornings.I get scared as time passes by,y'know...I am sort of content when i know i have spent this time constructively and feel very guilty when i sit down doing nothing,letting time just slip away.i fear that i dont have enough time to achieve all i want to achieve in life,plus i think i havent done enough up to now and i must take action.This comes to me especially when i look at people that have done something big and they are my age or younger and i feel kida small,cos i havent done something big enough up to now.

On the other hand i feel tired,lacking in energy,bound in shite dilatoriness..and everytime i get too concerned(which is most of times)i eat.and put on weight.and feel bad about it.and feel worse when i cant keep on to my diet,cos i feel like im gonna crash on the floor if i dont eat and get calm.(my signature sez it too"What feeds me destroys me"that both for food and emotions:( )Thats it like,first thing in the morning:ill:

im off to Thessaloniki for the weekend loves.Cheers :tickled: *hugs everybody*
I may have written similar things and or thoughts in this very thread that you did in the first paragraph, sophia. But then again most of the times you are too close to your own life and achievements to really see that the time might have not gone to a waste, you know. Maybe there's someone a little envious of you and your goals or doings.

I've felt the same way in past few months for example, but for some reason I didn't count recording a three-song-demo with my band, or making shitloads of pictures for schools I'm applying to, or trying to come up with a proper idea and image for a cd-cover, or arranging a four-month-vacation for myself, as being anything worthwhile. There's always some things you should feel good about.

aah. rant-y-rant. I feel quite good.

bullshit, I feel excited. My trip starts in three weeks.
i'm such a lucky fucker :Spin:
the other day i quit my internship cos it sucked (atmosphere) and i needed a job (i'ship didnt pay), only i also needed time to properly make preparations for my graduation (making 2 pieces, of which a film).
last week i got this job on offer, at this film equipment rental place (excellent for contacts) for 3 days a week, well-paid, basically dont have to do shit, and its at the smaller office which is like 10kms away from where i live. so i make the cash i need, they told me i can work for myself there and basically i have contacts to keep my graduation period somewhat financiable.

tonight this guy calls and offers me good cash to do a small adobe premiere (video edit suite) workshop in front of a 4th year students class communication = birds like :)

and just now i added a mate of mine on msn, who asked me if i wanted to take over his car, for free! :D

i love it when life works my way :Spin: