the mood thread

i learned the entire "Phantom of the Opera" by maiden on the guitar :D:D:D .im just missing the solo;)

Apart from that i decided to spend the week with 15 euros but i already spent 11 for fruit and cat sand :ill:
I also decided to continue my diet ,but it seems my pressure is going to hell.i nearly fainted twice today on the street :(:(:( i had tea and a toasted sandwich for breakfast but still :(
wow, be careful with that diet stuff will yer? doesn't sound too good to me, when i think of you fainting twice a day. it's not worth any health problems is it?
the diet is supposed to be normal like i got it from Weight Watchers .i also cheat a little bit;) i think my Iron amounts are very low again so this is not a good period for diet and i should take those pills day and night.ill see how it goes.I was going like drunk on the street reassured that i would fall down :lol: :ill: thank you :wave:
somnium_in_tenebris said:
the diet is supposed to be normal like i got it from Weight Watchers .i also cheat a little bit;) i think my Iron amounts are very low again so this is not a good period for diet and i should take those pills day and night.ill see how it goes.I was going like drunk on the street reassured that i would fall down :lol: :ill: thank you :wave:
alright mate, hope everything will turn out well!!!:wave: sucks :(
Wow, I did my first in school exams today for my online classes, went down there. So cool, my advisor cleared a room for me 'cause of my disability, instead of making me sit in the assessment room with tons of other stinking fuming people. HEY! some places DO comply with disability laws. :D Exams were so easy. I know I did great! Enrolled for summer classes beginning on may 3rd, paid for 'em too. Can't wait! : )

Sophia, I don't like hearing about you almost passing out from dieting. This isn't good at all. Maybe the weight watchers doesn't give you enough usable calories.... you really should be careful.
:)indeed.i think it happened cos i cut off on food drastically.i normally eat like a guy(not girl :lol: )and the change in combination with my low pressure and lack of iron :ill: anyway i'll be more careful .i feel good today.
Hey good one, drago! I used to work as a 'rock-dj' at this one little place as well. Best time of my life, honestly :) nothing better than to fuck-off some barely 18-year-old-bastards asking for limp bizkit and play three faith no more songs in a row instead :grin: not to mention shitloads of stuff by two big A's.
:lol: I can imagine their reaction, well done hehe

yes its lots of fun, there was this kind of "dj casting" and I really just wanted to have fun but at the end I made it (hehe, a guy even came and asked me to play "sleepless" ;) ) well lets see how it will go on now, we'll have a little party on thursday at the bar, and friday again... a booze weekend waiting ;)
ooh, sounds excellent :tickled: damn it, I dunno when I can booze up again. I've 19,50e at my account and them bloody bank machines only give twenties :yell:

so is it like a big bar or what, if they arranged that casting? I only made two phonecalls, did an interview and got hired immediately :grin:
Nice one Caroline:) i've always wanted to do that:) i applied for that Portuguese magazine,but i dont know the final response we'll see