just went out for a spliff and along the way (not even half a mile a walk) i saw this guy with dreads sitting on a bench and play this nice fender semi acoustic. without thinking i complimented him on the guitar as i passed by, in english - why?. i'm in rotterdooom.
anyway, on my way back he was still there and i asked whether i could sit next to him, still in english. he mumbled something so i tried in dutch, "eh?" he turned out to be irish

he seemed a nice bloke and we introduced - "pieter", "david". 'sloppy' hand shake, that kind when you grab someone's hand just a tad too quick. he played a bit, i passed the spliff and it got a bit humid and windy, so i asked whether he fancied a cuppa tea.

- i never do that. he gave me this sceptical kinda look, so i said "you think i'm hitting on you mate?"
i pointed where i live and i was like "christ do fucking look like this desperate gaylord - what". so 4th floor i made ourselves a mean cuppa tea and he played some tunes, i sang a bit and that, but soon i grabbed my housemate's acoustic and we started playing, all sorts of stuff - from classical to rocky, blues-ish, continuously improvising.. really cool

we hardly had any kind of long-term chats really. just played like for 2 hrs straight.

and then he left. we both visit the irish pub nearby my place quite often, but i never caught him there at the bar nor on stage.