the mood thread

eating fruit btw- a banana, dunno what it makes me feel. i'm twisted if bananas are good for you or not. i mean. is it healthier to eat a banana than a pack of cookies?
i'm not sure anymore
marginalé said:
*happy mode on*
it's a sunny weather and i'm going skating with some friends, hahah, me skating,.....
I hope you didn't break any bones... ;)
Grey sky here. I feel stuffed after coming home from a family dinner in an Italian restaurant. Anyway, I've done something good for my health today - be glad you can't smell all the garlic... :Smug: :grin:
just went out for a spliff and along the way (not even half a mile a walk) i saw this guy with dreads sitting on a bench and play this nice fender semi acoustic. without thinking i complimented him on the guitar as i passed by, in english - why?. i'm in rotterdooom.

anyway, on my way back he was still there and i asked whether i could sit next to him, still in english. he mumbled something so i tried in dutch, "eh?" he turned out to be irish ;) he seemed a nice bloke and we introduced - "pieter", "david". 'sloppy' hand shake, that kind when you grab someone's hand just a tad too quick. he played a bit, i passed the spliff and it got a bit humid and windy, so i asked whether he fancied a cuppa tea. :confused: - i never do that. he gave me this sceptical kinda look, so i said "you think i'm hitting on you mate?" :lol:

i pointed where i live and i was like "christ do fucking look like this desperate gaylord - what". so 4th floor i made ourselves a mean cuppa tea and he played some tunes, i sang a bit and that, but soon i grabbed my housemate's acoustic and we started playing, all sorts of stuff - from classical to rocky, blues-ish, continuously improvising.. really cool :dopey: we hardly had any kind of long-term chats really. just played like for 2 hrs straight. :hypno: and then he left. we both visit the irish pub nearby my place quite often, but i never caught him there at the bar nor on stage.

nice story :)

it fits these nights. like half of this board being in greece, and some others on asian discovery and who else, nightly walks along the rotterdamse grachten :err: :)

(hope i'll soon be more outside than before this screen again... too. and some walking around 'd be superb. jip jop. nightly fight with stressy schoolstuff again.)
DragonLady1 said:
I'm ill, angry and tired... what a combination :(

aye, and next week again 2 gigs waiting... I will never sleep ;)
Hehe, you're a concert addict... ;)
I hope you'll feel better soon, dear.

I'm sick of doing maths, I'm tired too, and I hope that coke and coffee will help me to stand another sleepless night - I gotta work from 8 pm til 4 am ... I'm turning into a zombie. :Smug: :hypno:
snow2fall said:
Haha, he certainly does... - he's living in a tiny wee country named Belgium. :tickled:
just be happy we don't kick you out of it, or no graspop,....,
cause yeah :rock: our tiny wee country has the biggest (or maybe not yet) metalfest in europe :rock: and that's near my even more tiny wee'er town with fucking 8045 people in it. and we also have a tiny wee Youthclub, BUT we as a tiny wee youthclub (called Zigzag) had already the oputunitie to see this fucking european-know band called Breaklose, so ......... just laugh, but think about the consicuenses,.....
and something else,..... another tiny wee town near my place has the biggest antilian fest in europe :worship: so,... what did you have in berlin? the love parade?? hahahahahaha ,
the best thing in belgium is the chocolate!!!

and they are very creative in it... I found that in Brugge :grin:

