the mood thread

tonight i laughed my head off :lol:

i was watching the ever hilarious greek"Fame story" in Concert and there was this guy that was chosen to depart,so he sang his song again at the end of the show.

Girls were storming onstage,kissing the guy,hugging,screaming etc
So there were two girls coming together,hugging him dead hard and then squeezed him.Their hug was so strong ,they slowly bent and in slow motion fell together(all three) on the floor with the ass-line of one girl showing on the cam :lol: :lol:
After this girls dragged him off the stage and ripped his shirt,fanscinated :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
fucken hell of a laughter:ill:
I'll feel great as soon as the Incubus pics are done and sent away and I'm sitting in a trollish bus knowing that everything went fine :)

Dragonlady see you tomorrow and for the rest of the maniacs here ;) : have a nice week :wave:
WHY do i ever watch news?......

my mood was already very low today and my nerves at the end of their tether and i saw on tv:

14 year old girl in Istanbul goes to the supermarket,gets kidnapped by 20 year old,gets raped for 4 days,somehow manages to escape,goes to the police,20y.o gets arrested,the girl is taken home.Her dad and brother in co-operation with the rest of the family(15+ persons) strangled the poor girl with an electricity cord and buried it.then went to the police to state thats shes gone missing................................................i find no words..........................................................................................................................i feel so lucky being me and i wanna bang my head on the wall sp hard for any time i say i have a hard time or a low mood......
crimes of honor are very common everywhere in the islamic (and not only) world. i did a search about this specific problem in india. the numbers are just shocking. hunderds of women get abused every year for ridiculous reasons... :(
and i'm living in this fucked up country... can you imagine what mood i'm in?.. i dont think so. Stay in Istanbul for 1 week and you will find nothing wrong. Stay in Istanbul for 1 year and you'll think you can't see anything worse. LIVE in Istanbul for 21 YEARS... think about it...

Anyway I have always disagreed with that islamic or jewish, etc. world. Call it crimes of honor if you want but it's always be crimes of lack of education.
Couldnt agree more Leafwalker.i dont know about how life is in Istanbul,but i strongly disagree with the islamic way.its just...undescribable:(
why it is undescribable? I don't think it is so different from the christian side of the world...

P.S. :I dont mean to start an argue about islam or christianity is good or bad... i dont believe neither also.
LeafWalker said:
why it is undescribable? I don't think it is so different from the christian side of the world...

P.S. :I dont mean to start an argue about islam or christianity is good or bad... i dont believe neither also.
there are common points,but Islam i think its more extreme:ill: Even allowing to have more than one woman and behaving in certain way(not very kind)when you think they "deserve" it.

i dont mean to start anything either.i just take the positives and despise the negatives:dopey:
I'm tireeeeeed and wanna go home... 10 minutes and I'm off from here, but had a funny weekend watching Kill Bill at a mates home and getting lots of cds from him :) and next weekend will be fun again... friday: Dj time, saturday: foto exhibition and gig of some friends, sunday: meeting for our next magazine... :)
@Morpheus exactly that.
i think im gonna rest a bit and then go subscribe in the local gym instead*active mode on*

I watched Kill Bill Vol2 premiere.Ace!!!*evil grin*
gotta see that second part this or the next week as well. I don't like to leave it to the first one only.

so what sport will you do Sophia ;)

@ Caro: btw how is your DJ job doin? Any good?