the mood thread

I never had a BMX :( I always wanted one as a kid, and by the time I had enough money to buy it, it was too late and the seat fucking hurt my ass. This is how life crumbles away, I don't think it's the place but the time.

Btw, I never read the long posts but it was an exception, I feel the same on the whole.
Bastet said:
so you think that if you're dressed like a slut it's only natural that you get raped???????????????????????

Yes I wore
A slinky red thing
Does that mean
I should spread
For you
Your friends
Your father
Mister Ed
DragonLady1 said:
I'm so angry, my ex even lied to me concerning our friendship, all lies, lies and lies again... I so feel like I wanna go away right now... :(

You mean the "let's stay friends" bit? It doesn't work I guess. Well, most of the time it doesn't, for obvious reasons.
ah it's always difficult and odd for a while. give it some time and it will work again. one is probalby still too attached for a "normal" friendship right after a break. one time it took me two years, for example.
Malaclypse said:
ah it's always difficult and odd for a while. give it some time and it will work again. one is probalby still too attached for a "normal" friendship right after a break. one time it took me two years, for example.

But as Maynard sings: "I am what I'm after, I don't need another friend" :D