the mood thread

I scream with you, Bastet!

Plus I don't know if my feet or my ass is stinkier. Though that's the other thread. Sometimes the futility of having a shower devastates me.

And I even farted.
DragonLady1 said:
I havent seen my dad since... hm... christmas? dont really care too much as well, never know what to speak with him :ill:
same here, last time for me was on my grandad's funeral in april
mood: content. :)
I got another job! Beside searching people's bags for booze and weapons in a goth/ metal club, I'll soon be setting tables and serving people in a branch of the "Holiday Inn" hotel chain. Looks like I'll be able to afford a new camera and some concert tix this fall. :loco:
I hope I'll manage to continue doing both jobs once the semester has started...
Loona said:
said I have laryngitis, I wanted to scream but I couldn't :ill:

Oh, is it so bad news that makes you scream?

Get well, honey. :wave: It's not a good period for this young lot, everyone's having problems.