The Moor on the upcoming tour!

When I met them I ask if they'd play it and Per said, "Well we'll play one from Still Life but not The Moor."
"Serenity Painted Death?" I asked.
"Umm... maybe. hahaha. If we don't play The Moor on this tour then we'll most likely play it next time, we like to alternate between the songs. I hope we get to play that song, it's a kick ass song."

So yeah, maybe next time.
Oh, I also requested To Bid You Farewell and Mendez said they used to play it a lot but they don't much anymore.
there really wouldn't be many songs as epic as The Moor played live. In fact I'd go as far as to say that's the song I most want to see Opeth play live, closely following by BRI of course
If they completely changed up their current trends and did something like..

Hessian Peel
The Moor
Harlequin Forest
The Funeral Portrait
To Bid You Farewell
Beneath the Mire
Death Whispered A Lullaby
Moonlapse Vertigo

Yea, I would probably cum a couple of times then kill myself to ensure I die happy.

I'd prefer something more along these lines:

April Ethereal
The Baying of the Hounds
Death Whispered a Lullaby
The Moor
Forest of October
Black Rose Immortal
Harlequin Forest
Blackwater Park
this tour will be my fifth opeth show and out of that it's the first headlining gig. and looking at setlists makes me a bit sad because I will see a lot of songs for the third, fourth or even fifth time. I see nearly everyone on here wants diversity in the setlist, but that's sadly so hard to please because there are still a lot of first time attenders who are longing for the "most popular" songs to be played.
so I just hope the sound and the performance make up for it while I'll still be bearing a glimpse of hope for any surprise.
Hmm... I'd love something like:

The Leper Affinity
The Baying Of The Hounds
The Moor
April Ethereal
The Lotus Eater
The Grand Conjuration
Demon Of The Fall

I'd pay anything to see that.
If they completely changed up their current trends and did something like..

Hessian Peel
The Moor
Harlequin Forest
The Funeral Portrait
To Bid You Farewell
Beneath the Mire
Death Whispered A Lullaby
Moonlapse Vertigo

Yea, I would probably cum a couple of times then kill myself to ensure I die happy.

That setlist is just fucking amazing. I'll cum just thinking of seeing it live...

20 minutes of epicness - what's not to like!?

What's NOT to like is the fact that it fails to make sense, it fails to move me in any way, it doesn't have any real high points (such as the ending of Ghost of Perdition). In every way it seems to be only a collection of riffs and ideas of which some are great (such as the "medieval" vocal part) but of which most are pure nonsense.
What's NOT to like is the fact that it fails to make sense, it fails to move me in any way, it doesn't have any real high points (such as the ending of Ghost of Perdition). In every way it seems to be only a collection of riffs and ideas of which some are great (such as the "medieval" vocal part) but of which most are pure nonsense.

I think you need to think about the feeling of seeing it live more than about the actual song. To a lesser extent, The Grand Conjuration is the same way, it seems too repetitive to some (I love it personally, but I see where they're coming from), but you have to consider the sheer energy that ultra-heavy song can pump into a crowd with its "THEEEEEEEE GRAAAAAAND COOOOOONJUUUUUURRRRAAAAAAATIOOOOOOOON" and all. With Black Rose Immortal, I completely agree that it's disjointed and doesn't work very well as a song (all the riffs individually pwn though), but with how long Opeth has refused to play it, if they suddenly whipped it out for one leg of a tour, the crowd would probably go nuts in a way that makes Deliverance look like Hope Leaves. Also, it's almost a gimmick, but the sheer length of the song gives it a more epic sense live ("Oh ####, they just pulled out a 20 minute song")

In addition, to the "no real high points" comment, that extended scream around the 19 minute mark is sort of a climax to me. As far as the issue of disjointedness goes, Opeth has demonstrated since MAYH that they are capable of creating tiny little transitions from acoustic to distortion and vice-versa that make their songs much more coherent, and they've also made tiny little changes to the live versions of songs once in a while, so what's to stop them from just adding little moments that transition the distortion into the acoustic passages. And for the length issue, I think we can all agree they won't be playing that violin bit at least...

Overall, I don't think BRI is the best Opeth song ever or even in my top 20, but I also think it's a tad underated by all those who absolutely can't stand a bit of disjointedness.
Um...ya 9:30 or so.

Always thought it was a cool guitar effect.
Like this one. It's a band from Quebec called Augury, and the song is called Beatus. The song starts with a guitar melody that reminds me of that part from Black Rose Immortal. The guitarist just turn off and on his volume while tapping.

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