The most beautiful song you've ever heard

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Classical music aside, what's the one song that you would pick if someone pointed a gun to your head and asked you what the most beautiful song you've ever heard?

For me, it's Other Lives' song Black Tables

The very first Shpongle track I ever heard and still to this day it's the single most amazing piece of music I've ever heard in my life.

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I freakin' cry everytime I hear this song, that's why I don't play it often. Very few songs have that effect.

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I like how you guys completely ignore thread protocol in almost every thread. HE SAID ONE. UNO. WUN. ICHI. Seriously. NARROW THAT SHIT DOWN. I think that's the whole point of the thread, making you make a tough decision. MAN UP AND MAKE THAT DECISION.
and I am going to be lame and say Chances Three. its just such a damn good song.

and I meant to post this
Too many. To be honest there really isn't just one song that can do that. But the first one I can think of would probably be this one.

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This thread is full of win! This is exactly what I was hoping for! Granted, I'd like to see it narrowed down to 1 because it's a tough decision, but I realize that sometimes that may be too much of a tall order.

I love how I can relate to each and every one of your points of view and see what you see (and hear) in these songs. This is how I discover new, beautiful music. Keep it going!