New WITTR is better than new DSO.
Matt, I didn't know that about
Manowar, Gods of War... Utter shit, so full of filler, with only about 20 minutes of seriously poor metal tunes. All they have done since 1996's awesome Louder Than Hell is put out tons of shit live albums and dvds and 1 mediocre album. Shame.
Heh, I was wondering when I was going to get flamed for this. But honestly, None of the two really cptivate me. Been a pretty bland year for BM anyway. I don't get the hypr for the new Mayhem. Production is horrid and songwriting is good but not great.Meh, even though Deathspell Omega's new album is a bit disappointing, I easily prefer it over the new WITTR.
Really? I like United Abominations.
Unless you have some inside info, I wouldn't count on LoC this year. Wrest has been less than dependable lately. Last November I was hearing that the new Leviathan would be out by spring/summer, and the Nachtmystium/Leviathan split would be out by April or May. The Nachtmystium half has been done for several months, and apparently Wrest is really dragging. If LoC is indeed just one of the rumored unreleased, but earlier recorded albums, then we might be in luck, but I'm not holding my breath on this one. I'd be surprised if anything from Wrest surfaced before 2008, which is very odd considering his track record of productivity. It's actually a bit concerning.thanks god I haven't heard every albums this yearI have high hopes for the next Lurker of Chalice and Axis of Perdition, wich should be both released around november.
I want to take back my earlier statements about The Last Kind Words.
The more I listen to it, the more it's growing on me.
I have to agree. I forgot about that album, Dimmu has been on a slump ever since "Deathcult".I was dissapointed by Dimmu's new album, Hellhammers drumming is plenty fast, but just unneccesary. He triggers his entire kit versus just his bass drums so the drums on "In sorte" sound like the drum machine used on a rap album. Plus after track 2 it just gets gayer and gayer.
Yea.. they went downhill after Burnt Offerings IMO. Then when Barlow left... wellIced Earth hasn't released a good album for nearly a decade.