The most metal thing. EVER.

I will kill myself if

A)I become old and useless to the point where I need assistance to move from room to room.

B) Any permanent damage to my balls. If I'm diagnosed wih testicular cancer, I'm hauling ass to the nearest skyscraper and jumping off. I accidentally cut one my balls or dick very, very badly with a power tool, the next place that tool is going is right in my eye. Or, if its a chainsaw, might as well cut off my head.
what the fuck are you smoking? :lol: early slayer is clearly in that group of death/thrash, or proto - death metal bands along with possessed, sepultura, etc...

Early Slayer is obviously pure thrash, influential to DM but not DM themselves.

Possessed on the other hand are OBVIOUSLY death metal.
Slayer,possessed,celtic frost,bathory,kreator,destruction and pretty much any extreme 80's band is pretty much equally extreme and influencial so why stupid discussions like this happen is beyond me. You don't just get a genre and tons of bands lead up to it.
Without Slayer and Possessed death metal would never exist, so I guess we can consider them both death metal.Their records were really brutal for the early '80s. last week I listened to Haunting The Chapel in vynil and still sounds great
Way to miss the point entirely, and turn this thread into ANOTHER bullshit nowhere discussion.

And if you didn't find that episode of South Park funny, you are basically retarded.

South Park is retarded, which makes you a retard. What was the point again? Who gives a fuck, seriously, you sound like a 2 year old, arguing about meaning behind a fucking South Park episode.