The movie thread

Darth Victor

New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2003
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ok, here's a new thread about movies
One of my favorite movies at the moment is "dark city", it's kind of in the same vein as the crow.

Also I wonder if anyone knows how to find any of Hrafn Gunlaugson's movies "When the Raven Flies" and "The Shadow of the Raven"??
the Big Lebowski, say this name and be sure that Tomasz will pee his pants :D
Nothing beats reservoir dogs or belgian movie "man bites dog" grim dark humor ...
All this coming from a guy who loves old serie Lost in Space and Austin Powers yeahhhhhh yeahhhh i am such a sexy bitch ....
The Great are a couple other favorites of mine: The Great Santini, The Boondock Saints, Dog day Afternoon, Taxi Driver, Resevoir Dogs, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and Im gonna through in a musical Guys and Dolls... I mean youve gotta love Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra dancing and singing about gambling and guys who've been whipped by their bitches.

oh if you liked the 13th Warrior be sure to read Michael Crichton's Eaters of the Dead the book the movie was based on.
Gladiator (Spanian!!! Spanian!!!), Bravehearth (Freedoooooommm!!!), Return of the King (Deaaath!!!) and such "battle" movies...

Also, Back To The Future rules
the toxic avenger!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! total troma movie goreage!
i always like bloodsport. evil dead series. spawn (hbo cartoon movie, not that piece of shit they made.... well it wasnt to bad but coulda been alot better)
anger management was one hell of a fuckin funny movie.
and of corpse everyone likes braveheart, gladiator, lotr and so forth blah blah blah.

NP-Vital Remains Dechrisitanize! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Damn I have all those movies. Their all the shit. also Jay and silent bob strike back, clockwork orange, Blood in Blood out
I saw "Beowulf" recently and liked it except the stupid techno-like music irritated me.
I like the Big Lebowski too, especially the part were the dude tells his mate that he had a short music career: he'd been a roadie for Metallica but they fired him, the bastards...hahaha!!
And "Black cat white cat" is the best comedy I've ever seen.
Thrymfal said:
fuckin ichiro the killer, battle royale 1 &2 all classics!

i've seen ichi the killer and BR, and i found both of them rather sucky :p both had a silly script and worse dialog. ichi hade some cool scenes but BR is so horridly overrated it's almost scary

great movies: hero, the hours, predator, waking life, braveheart, nightmare before christmas, alien movies, boondock saints and of course LOTR
battle royale now thats a movie I cant help but forget... well no not really, I was at my house watching it with my girlfriend and I thought it was fucking hillarious but then it got to that scene with the crazy raping chick and she had the knife and ooooooh that was just horrible. I can put up with most any kind of gruesomness in movies and reality but genital mutilation is one thing I cant stand for... anyway, after the movie were walking down to this park by my house its now Me, my girlfriend Amanda, and my...
...buddy gabe. so were walking along and all of a sudden they start talking about that scene and all I can think about is how excrutiating the pain would be and I start freakin out. I was hitting my head super hard with my fists, and growl at the depths of my abdomen when all of a sudden BOOM!!! I smash my head straight into a lamp post. Concussion. Im blacked out leaning against the pole, they have know clue and just keep walking so eventually I start to come to. start walking. get half way across the street and SCREEEEEEEECH!!!! car almost hits me so I hit it and keep walking. when I finally catch up to them theyre at the park and I start talking to them, black out again, then I wake up yet again and denied any of it had happened. true story. the end. fin.
Ravenous is an awesome movie. I found it at blockbuster. Civil War era movie about an indian folk legend that says that if a human ever resorts to feasting on another human they gain a hunger and a craving for human flesh. thats definately a must see movie. Great actors too... that is other than David Arquette, but he isnt bad in this flick.