The NBA thread

It now looks more and more like LeBron will stay with Cleveland, and Bosh may end up there too. I'm not sure how much that will help Cleveland though. Even with Bosh, I just don't see them in The Finals.

As for the Knicks: their acquisition of Amare now makes them look foolish and very desperate, which sucks imo. I really wanted to see the Knicks get somewhere, I think getting Amare isn't going to change anything.

Imo, the postseason in this new decade is starting off with what the experienced veteran teams like LA and BOS have left. I think this Boston vs LA rivalry has a couple of more face-off's to go yet before we see a generation changeover to Cleveland and other teams.
Wade to stay and Heat also land Bosh. Lebron to make an announcement tomorrow (thurs as TB ^ mentioned)...God I can't wait for this to all end / move on etc.
Nothing is worse than the Favre saga imo. Liking the NFL better than the NBA makes it somewhat tolerable. We can only hope that Queen-J (does not pull a Favre) when his retirement nears...that would put me over the edge.
Favre overrated? What you smokin...Lebron is coming to the Knicks. A'mare and James plus maybe 1 more signing/trade could make the Knicks a contender.

No diss to Favre, I mean he's a great player but I think the media kiss his ass too much. Saying he's the best qb ever is like saying Lenny Wilkens is the best NBA coach ever. Sure Wilkins is the wining coach ever but also the losings coach ever in the NBA as well. Favre has great records but bad ones as well like the interception record.
Looks like LeBron has narrowed it down to Miami or Cleveland. Part of me wants him to go to Miami and have that team dominate everyone (especially the Lakers), but that would pretty much end any chance the Celtics would win for a couple years.
Looks like LeBron has narrowed it down to Miami or Cleveland. Part of me wants him to go to Miami and have that team dominate everyone (especially the Lakers), but that would pretty much end any chance the Celtics would win for a couple years.

Agree. What about your man Bosh? And does anyone think this sounds like the Al Capone Vault?
Looks like LeBron has narrowed it down to Miami or Cleveland. Part of me wants him to go to Miami and have that team dominate everyone (especially the Lakers), but that would pretty much end any chance the Celtics would win for a couple years.

I think Boston and LA have enough experience and intelligence for another 2 rings. If LeBitch goes to MIA, then he needs to settle into a team with THREE major stars in it, something he's never done before. It will (should) totally change his game and that will take time. Then, he needs to stop choking in the postseason.
I like Bosh and Wade but can't stand Lebron at all. A story no one talking about is Kevin Durrant signing a 5 year deal with the Thunder again. Now here a player I like compare to Lebron.
Sadly I didn't get to watch enough of Durant in the postseason. From what I can see though, once he puts on some weight and beefs up a bit, he will be a real force.
I can't blame LeBron for leaving. Fuck Cleveland. The only reason that team did anything at all was LeBron and now they will go back to being shit for the next decade.