The new pic thread

Opacity, your sister is here :D
I just took this pic :p
Needless to say the colours were a lot more beautiful and all.. bah, everything escapes the machines!

I wanted to take a pic like that for a long time because dawn is really beautiful now, and always happens when I have to get up and get ready for uni so I get to see it every morning.. and every morning it reminds me this damned pic I wanted to take! Well there it is, finally :p
Very beautiful, as usual :p
Say, how do you take such pictures? I can barely remember seeing things like those you take photographs of.. is there some kind of secret? Or am I simply blind? :err:
Outstanding images, Diana. It is always a pleasure to view your work. :)

Today we had our first substantial snow storm so I took a few pics of some grim and frostbitten tree limbs.
Thank you both :)

Say, how do you take such pictures? I can barely remember seeing things like those you take photographs of.. is there some kind of secret? Or am I simply blind?
Nope, there's no secret to it... you just need to kneel down some more I guess ;) A camera (duh), mother nature and "an eye for it" is all you need (although it might be useful if you know how to use DOF)

@wildfire: really nice pictures - I love the ones with the snow and the sunsets! :) Here's a few of mine...




ah, brilliant photos everyone, it's been a while since i took some, but i should give it a go again. i'd really like to take some close-up shots on things like G with the leaves and waterdrops, but my camera can't focus on less than 30cm of distance. hmpf. which camera do you exactly use?

edit: oh, and btw. since mag asked, here's a new photo with short hair.

@wildfyr, gtranq: you're absolutely great photographers, the both of you. i'd love to take some pics but i have sworn to stay off major nerd expenses until christmas 2005, so no digital camera for me until then.
sky pics are so cool, too bad the most beautiful ones i see are fro the train, and, even if i had my camera, the other passengers would probably throw me and my cam out of the window to watch the sunset/rise better if i dared to open the window in winter.
so i took this at home :p (nothing compared to the previous posts..)

Lina said:
I spy an avatar in the background! :)

And I like your glasses.
thank you :p
and yes, if you enter into my room you'll think i'm the most self centered person ever :ill:
Those photos are really really impressive. One thing I find with photographing skys is no matter how hard I try I can never capture the awe it makes me feel in real life. Perhaps a fish eye or wide lens would help. Either way I love the sky so much, this winter should bring many awesome sights, and I truly have a deep respect and gratitude for people who can capture a sky in a photo. Gtranq and Wildfyr: You're truly great artists.
MagSec4 said:
Malac: I'd say welcome to the world of short hair, but.. well.. it's not like it's anything special :p
Where have you disappeared off to?
oh i have been here most of the time, just didn't want to post anything.
Here´s for you penisdrillers!

I threw my anxiety to the rubbish bin the moment I met my wild friend - together with the magik that sting our live(r)s we blow the winds of bliss over the wretched mankind.