The new pic thread

The desk on which my face is currently falling (at 6am doing work all night :/ )

it's so ... clean, ordered, and white
my desk back home is usually a mess. i dont have enough stuff here to make it messy.
Diana: Thank you. I added a few more snowed tree shots before it all melted. :)

Your fotos are great - all of them! Nice con(chem?)trails in the 3rd one. Are those geese a-flyin' in the last one? :tickled: Great sunset! Your floral fotos are absolutely stunning. The colors are very rich and vibrant. Beautiful. I was wondering... when you optimize some of those really colorful flower fotos for the Web, do you notice that they still tend to be rather large in Kb size? I've noticed that with some of mine and I've sacrificed quality and dimension size for faster download times, and to try to conserve disk space. Although the disk space thing really doesn't make sense because I also tend to post the bad and the ugly shots as well as the good. :loco: Will have to weed out some of the crap soon methinks.

While I'm on the subject of bad and ugly, I only have a few DT shots up on my site. They're not very good. It doesn't look like I'll have another opportunity to capture more live DT moments anytime soon, either, so I was wondering if you would mind if I link to your DT page from mine? Your DT foto collection is top notch and I'd be honored if you would allow me to link to your site. The linkage would include a link on my Links page as well as a link from my DT page in the Music section. I've tried to avoid linking out to external sites from my band pages, but in this case I would like to make an exception since my DT offerings are scant and I'd like to point visitors to your established, quality-content-rich site. :) By the way, I've also avoided linking to Photobucket sites. However, should you create another site for your non-DT content, please do let me know the URL so I can check it out. Thanks!

Hiljainen: Thanks for posting the link to your sunset foto. Great color and clouds! I would encourage you to take more fotos of the Italian sky. You never know what you might capture.

Hyena & King: Thanks!

Naku: :D

Mags: What's in that jar on the shelf? Is that instant coffee? o_O
Wolfman Von Jones said:
Mala: So let me get this right. You have been here the whole time, havent posted, then suddenly post a pic of yourself looking very much like Mr. Rogers? :p

Yeah, that's about it ;)
Violet Baudelaire said:
it's so ... clean, ordered, and white
my desk back home is usually a mess. i dont have enough stuff here to make it messy.
but you're trying very hard aren't you dear, and that's all that counts. ;)
wildfyr said:
I was wondering... when you optimize some of those really colorful flower fotos for the Web, do you notice that they still tend to be rather large in Kb size?
First I'd like to say thank you (and everyone else) for your kind words :)
As for your question... not really. Originally they're around 275 kb and after resizing them (60% of the original size) they're between 50 & 80 kb.

It doesn't look like I'll have another opportunity to capture more live DT moments anytime soon, either, so I was wondering if you would mind if I link to your DT page from mine?
Yes of course :) (and once again... thank you for your kind words) :oops:

By the way, I've also avoided linking to Photobucket sites. However, should you create another site for your non-DT content, please do let me know the URL so I can check it out. Thanks!
Ehm, I don't think I'll be creating another site anytime soon as most of them are uploaded onto Photobucket... But can I ask why you avoid linking to Photobucket?
Gtranquillity said:
Originally they're around 275 kb and after resizing them (60% of the original size) they're between 50 & 80 kb.
Ok. With the current camera settings my originals are around 4- to 5-times that. Size and quality settings are hiked up too high I guess. :loco: Thanks for the info!

Yes of course :)
Great! Thanks.

Ehm, I don't think I'll be creating another site anytime soon as most of them are uploaded onto Photobucket... But can I ask why you avoid linking to Photobucket?
I didn't intend for that statement to appear as if I dislike Photobucket for some reason. That's not the case. I simply prefer to link to photographer-owned sites vs photo hosting sites.
The 'MagSec shows you amazing shit' series..
Part 1

This is one of the things that has been in my 'things-to-do-in-life-list' for a while. I figure I can make this one in a couple of years, and bring photos like these myself..

Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) towering like a god over the Great Rift valley
(5895 meters, the highest peak in Africa)


(As seen from Kenya)
That's a nice wedding dress, Idari. ;)