The new pic thread

Gtranquillity takes great photos!

i took these a couple of nights ago...




King Chaos said:
:OMG: Sun's firing blanks again. Shit the sky looks awesome. What's with those whispy bits dangeling down from the clouds? it looks a bit like a dying out tornado. SUPERnatural dude.
It's just rain with the sunset shining through it. Tasmania doesnt get any of the 'extreme' weathers... no snow (except on mountains), rarely a thunderstorm, certainly no tornadoes! It certainly does look kind of like a dying one though.

Sometimes i think i should open this curtain a few more times, i must miss lots of such sights just because i like the dark
Dear god... these pictures just make me want to cry. Incredibly awesome, all of them. I wish we had moments like that here. I guess I'll have to start taking pics again - maybe I'll go to Central Park and take some pics next week.

@Yayo: Those shots are amazing!
@NV: The first shot looks like it was snowing icicles. :)
It snowed today!!
According to the latest weather forecasts, it will go up to 6° C on the 24th here, hihi. Well, that's fine with me. I like snow but it's not a must really. In the city, it always melts so fast and turns into brown mud.
Very nice!!! I like the mood in the London pictures. In the first one, you've got the blur of the red bus with the still foreground. I like that!

Cool concert shots, too. What kind of cam were you using, if I may ask?
And what happened to Martin's Les Paul? I thought it was Niklas who was playing an Explorer now.
@gtranq: aaaah london... *heart breaks* and very good band shots as well. in the final one in particular it looks like they're having loads of fun.