The new pic thread

@Gtranq: Holy Crapoly you make london look nice in those shots. Great band pics btw, it really is torture to look at them though. I wish I could have been there so bad. :erk:

I had no Idea people thought london seemed like a nice place. Is the general schema really that London is pretty and majestic? I always thought it was just filthy, Rotten and a place to go if you want to be attacked by people with true ignorance (not that it's any different to any other british city for that feature).
@kc: i lived in london for one year and although i didn't appreciate everything about it (i mainly didn't like the weather) my opinion is mostly very positive. fine clubs, diverse population, possibility of exploring myriads of cultural avenues, great architecture, and history knocking you out every few blocks. this last part about history is even better here in rome, but i miss the large availability of good bands that's typical of london.
Somber Soul said:
What kind of cam were you using, if I may ask?
I usually shoot with an Olympus C740, but these ones were done with the Canon EOS 300D - a digital SLR. It was the first time I used the camera, so I spent most of the time fooling around with the settings.

And what happened to Martin's Les Paul? I thought it was Niklas who was playing an Explorer now.
He's still using it - in fact, the guitarist from Nightrage used it that night.
Gtranquillity said:
I usually shoot with an Olympus C740, but these ones were done with the Canon EOS 300D - a digital SLR. It was the first time I used the camera, so I spent most of the time fooling around with the settings.
Cool! I'm an amateur photographer and I also do band and concert pics. I use the 300D. :D However, since I only have one fast lense (f1.8, 50 mm, which is too long on the EOS in a gig situation), I have problems with getting sharp shots in low light. I mean, I like blurry shots as well. They convey a good sense of the action. But your DT shots are sharp. What lense did you use then?
Gtranq: Nice pics! Shame I couldn't get close enough to the front to be on them. :p

London looks alright but it really stinks. 15 minutes of walking through it and you feel like you have to take a 2 hour long shower to cleanse yourself. Of course after that gig it wasn't so noticeable.
@Yayo wwwwwwwwwow!!!!really wonderful yr pix! :)

@Gtranquillity:your pix are really great too and then thx alot cos you share the band's pix in yr site! :cool: many ppl are maybe jealous and didn't do that! :(

plus,did u take some the Haunted pix maybe?
Rusty said:
London looks alright but it really stinks. 15 minutes of walking through it and you feel like you have to take a 2 hour long shower to cleanse yourself.
i agree! :) but London is one of the place which makes you feel like you're at home even if you aren't.dunno why...and then it's so "alive"...
Somber Soul said:
Cool! I'm an amateur photographer and I also do band and concert pics. I use the 300D. :D However, since I only have one fast lense (f1.8, 50 mm, which is too long on the EOS in a gig situation), I have problems with getting sharp shots in low light. I mean, I like blurry shots as well. They convey a good sense of the action. But your DT shots are sharp. What lense did you use then?

Actually, that's the same lens I used, but I agree... it was indeed hard to get sharp pics. I hope to be closer to the stage next time around. I know the camera (and lens) can do an excellent job then :) Any pics you want to share with us perhaps? :)

Dafne said:
@Gtranquillity:your pix are really great too and then thx alot cos you share the band's pix in yr site! :cool: many ppl are maybe jealous and didn't do that! :(

plus,did u take some the Haunted pix maybe?

Thanks! I'm quite satisfied with them considering the many unfavourable circumstances (distance to the stage, the aforementioned 50 mm lens and it being the first pictures I took with the camera) but I'm sure the camera can do much better then that... And nope, I didn't take any The Haunted pics.

Niklas looks as if he's got dark hair or maybe it's the light...
It wasn't the light... he died his hair :)
Gtranquillity said:
It wasn't the light... he died his hair :)
wow it's pretty trendy right now (natural blond---->dark) even if actually 99,9% of the ppl would die for being born with his natural color :p (at least in italy :p )
Actually, that's the same lens I used, but I agree... it was indeed hard to get sharp pics. I hope to be closer to the stage next time around. I know the camera (and lens) can do an excellent job then :) Any pics you want to share with us perhaps?
Ah, the 50 mm is one of the best (and cheapest). I would really like to have fast wide angle to tele lens, though. It's naturally a matter of money. If you're standing right in front of the stage, the 80 mm that the 50 mm is on the 300D is just too much tele.

I've only shot local Viennese bands recently. At the "big" gigs, you don't get to use a camera unless you have a press pass or something. Since I don't work for a magazine...

But I guess you can take a look here to see what I've been up to: These are promotional photos for the Viennese gothic metal band Totentanz. For the close-up portraits, I used the 50 mm. For the rest, I used a 28-200 zoom lense.
Dafne said:
wow it's pretty trendy right now (natural blond---->dark) even if actually 99,9% of the ppl would die for being born with his natural color :p (at least in italy :p )
They die because they have the same coloured hair that they had in birth? :p What a strange disease. Well, Italy and mafia and all.
Somber Soul said:
Ah, the 50 mm is one of the best (and cheapest). I would really like to have fast wide angle to tele lens, though. It's naturally a matter of money. If you're standing right in front of the stage, the 80 mm that the 50 mm is on the 300D is just too much tele.
I thought about buying this one but bought the 50mm instead - a great lens indeed!

But I guess you can take a look here to see what I've been up to: These are promotional photos for the Viennese gothic metal band Totentanz.

Very nice pics - I hope to see some more in the future :)
TheFourthHorseman said:
They die because they have the same coloured hair that they had in birth? :p What a strange disease. Well, Italy and mafia and all.
what's mafia related to this?you ain't funny nor nice at pls read better cos i said:

Dafne said:
wow it's pretty trendy right now (natural blond---->dark) even if actually 99,9% of the ppl would die for being born with his natural color (at least in italy )
meaning with HIS---->Niklas' hair.if i meant what you said i would have written THEIR hair cos ppl is pls go and learn english instead of speaking without thinking.
Dafne said:
what's mafia related to this?you ain't funny nor nice at pls read better cos i said:

meaning with HIS---->Niklas' hair.if i meant what you said i would have written THEIR hair cos ppl is pls go and learn english instead of speaking without thinking.
Hmm yeah, I read that wrong, but obviously I wasn't being serious at all anyhow. How was my post un-nice?
TheFourthHorseman said:
Hmm yeah, I read that wrong, but obviously I wasn't being serious at all anyhow. How was my post un-nice?
i didn't like "italy,mafia and all",it bothered me a lot.i mean maybe to you mafia is smth funny but in italy it's a very sad and serious thing.that's all.