The new pic thread

thanx :) haha just found a funny one from our very metallic and drunk easter weekend in holland ;) thats me with 2 of my best friends... (no I dont look that arrogant usually, was just posing for the picture haha)


btw taliesin, seeing all these snow pics makes me wish I would finally get my ass up to do some skiing around here haha... but its so boring alone
There have been so many great pics posted in this thread. I've been trying to post here to comment on them but whenever I log in this place slows down to a crawl, especially these larger threads. Should be off dial-up soon, hopefully.

Anyway, it's past time to head off to the HOB again. Can you believe the door time for the Kreator/SYL show is 3:30?! That's what it says on the ticket

There are a shitload of bands playing, though. Will try to check in later... :headbang:
@wildfyr: nice pic, post one in which we can see you better. :)
and btw i don't see (at least from this pic) why you should be self-conscious about the girlie shirts, i say just enjoy them. ;)
if you copy/paste on the browser's address bar it might just work (it did for me).