The new pic thread

thanx arch and wyldfr... nice pics there too... long time I didnt see Overkill live, I'm sure they still rock! :)

here's another one from the gig on friday, its Amoral, really good death metal band from finnland

MagSec4 said:
I see you've received your special package from Amsterdam.

@ r2: I have a dog. I posted a pic of him a couple of pages ago :) He's the most adorable dog ever, even though your dogs are cute too :p

@ wildfyr: My pleasure ;p

hyena said:
(it's not like cats don't have personalities, but they never let you know anything about it)
You're so completely wrong!

King Chaos said:
Dogs are almost as smart as
goldfish. The only good thing about owning a dog is that you can make it do
tricks and therefore get this godlike satisfaction over your slaving beast.
You're so completely wrong too! Some dogs are kinda dumb, yes, but my dog is smart as hell. Some of my cats probably wouldn't be alive anymore if it wasn't for my dog who's saved them. But some cats are dumb as well. I think cats and dogs are equally intelligent.

People always think that cats are like super-independant and don't need people for anything, but that's not true. They are independant in some ways, but they are also very dependant on their owners and their friends.

I love dogs, but i might just love cats a tiny bit more.
idari said:
You're so completely wrong too!

No I'm not :(

I know a dog that can speak actually, so yeah I am wrong :p. This guy just has to say things to it and it learns to say them in mumbly dog speech. It was on TV. He taught it say "I love you" to another dog, and it was well cute, like it understood what it was saying. Then he taught it to say "Old Cunt" to this lady who tried to kick it and his dog got fined for verbal abuse (I personally don't believe this last part to be true).

Kind of remeinds me of this joke -

A man see's a sign outside this tent saying "Competition!!! - can your pet do the most amazing trick? Judging all day today, big cash prizes!!!"
So the man thinks, 'well my dog can talk'...
... Later that day the man went into the tent with his dog and said "I'd like to enter the best pet trick competition please"
"Ok" The man running the competition said "What does your pup have for us then?"
"Well, my dog charlie, he can talk, like a human" Replied the man.
"Oh my. What an amazing talent, I have to see this to believe it"
"Ok" said the man and he turned hopefully to his pet dog Charlie. "What is the name of the thing that stops rain getting in the house?" The man asked his dog, to which the dog replied "R-R-R00F!!"
"Good" said the dog owner, "Good boy"
"Are kidding me? is this some kind of joke?" Asked the unimpressed man running the competition.
"No, no joke" replied the dog owner, who looked slightly offended by the competition man's negative attitude to such an amazing trick. "I'll ask it another question, Ok?" said the dog owner, pleaing a second chance. He turned to charlie and smiled hopefully once again. "How would you describe sandpaper in one word?" He asked with a hint of anticipation in his voice.
"R-R-RUFF!" replied the dog again.
"See, isnt that amazing!" the dog owner said, enthused by the dogs generic bark.
"You know what?" The competition man said, "You are wasting my time. If you don't get out in ten seconds Im gonna feed you that stinking, useless mut!"
Not wanting to take any chances the dog owner quickly hurried out, looking immensely hurt by the Competition man's harsh words. The moment they got outside the tent charlie looked up with one of those confused, puppy dog looks and said "What the fuck was his problem?"


Nice pics again guys. So many excellent photographers here.
@r2: No eyes for us. The best we got was pigs' hearts.
As for the structure, it's called tapetum lucidum, and it's a reflecting layer behind the retina. It's purpose is to reflect light back to the retina and in this way improve low light vision. Did i pass? :p

@wildfyr: :p
Siren said:
@r2: No eyes for us. The best we got was pigs' hearts.
As for the structure, it's called tapetum lucidum, and it's a reflecting layer behind the retina. It's purpose is to reflect light back to the retina and in this way improve low light vision. Did i pass? :p

With flying colors. ;)

I think that your future lies in ophthalmology!
r2 said:
I think that your future lies in ophthalmology!
Noway. Even though i've been told it's one of the best specialties, i find it to be one of the most disgusting. I can't stand any meddling with the eyes. :erk:
@ King Chaos: :lol: hah.

Ok, people wanted pics of my tattoo, so here we go. The pics suck though, i haven't taken any good ones yet, but at least you'll get some kind of an idea of what it's like. It's not finished yet though. Needs more inc and stuff.


@idari: Looks like a nice tattoo. All the pain you went through to get it will become a memory but the tatt will last a lifetime. Congratulations! Glad you made it through the torture part. Thanks for the new kitty pic, too!
wildfyr said:
@idari: Looks like a nice tattoo. All the pain you went through to get it will become a memory but the tatt will last a lifetime. Congratulations! Glad you made through it the torture part. :) Thanks for the new kitty pic, too!

The rest of the OverKill and Trivium fotos, as well as some from local bands Ion Vein and Fatal Order, are now up on my site:


I love those shots. \m/
Just because I'm a bloody show-off... here are some of my photos.
This one was taken through the window of a Copenhagen-Gothenburg flight. W00t!

Pretty dancing cranes! At Lake Hornborga.

Pretty boat-hostel.

plintus said:
Watch out for me tomorrow at The Troc:
Hey :wave:
My friend PoueT, who's staying at my place for a few days, says he knows you from the Everdying Board :)
Also, he says you and your tatt are in the Exposures booklet :p Welcome to the board, make yourself comfortable ;)