The new pic thread

so this is where I was on saturday, at the lake como, north italy... such a beautiful and dreamy place :)

Taliesin said:
Hey :wave:
My friend PoueT, who's staying at my place for a few days, says he knows you from the Everdying Board :)
Also, he says you and your tatt are in the Exposures booklet :p Welcome to the board, make yourself comfortable ;)

Hey man,

I think I saw your pics with him drinking (YEAH!!! =), yeah, I'm the same "THAT" guy and I'm all over the place ;) Send hi to PoueT for me - didn't mention him much lately =))

Will be around :wave:

To stay on the topic (he-he) - two pictures from yesterday's not related to DT, featuring me and some people you might know =) :

Peter T.



DragonLady: Nice picture. Words don't even do it justice, so I will simply say, nice picture.
Fantastic pics, everybody!

@NL: Love all of your pics but that one of the cranes...OMG! Awesome. Thank you for posting that. :)

@DragonLady: Excellent night shot. Still waiting for your Anathema pics... ;)
Wow. That was fast. I only checked out the first two pages but I'll check the rest later when I get home. Very nice work. :headbang:

@Arch: Once again, thanks for checking out the pics. ;)
Northern Lights said:
that pic is beautiful, i always wanted to take pics from an airplane. :)

TheNewBuild said:
Did you take photos of Poseidon and his little p***s too?
Actually that statue is the most horid thing i've ever seen. :err::loco:
@wildfyr: Thank you :) I was very lucky to get that shot, they were the only dancing cranes we saw that day (that were close enough to be photographed anyway; there were so many of them spread over such a big area you couldn't possibly keep track of them all). That day, there were close to 7 000 cranes at the lake, a few days later there were 13 000, wish I'd been there then too :D

@Siren: Thanks :) You should try it, it gets a bit blurry obviously but still, the outcome of the two flight photos I took were much better than I expected. I wasn't quite sure whether it was allowed though so I sort of crouched with the camera behind a seat while the steward was serving drinks...
Who's the gorgeo....oh nevermind, it just you. :)

Funny pic btw, the guy having a smoke reminds me of Sami.
damn in karlsruhe it was forbidden to take pictures and a guy was wandering around and told it everyone who took pics.
including me, so I took some without flash, hm not really good pics but better than nothing

@t dragonlady cool that you had a lot of funs with the anathema guys
I just saw danny at the merchandise-corner but was too shocked by the prices to talk to him
Siren said:
Actually that statue is the most horid thing i've ever seen. :err::loco:

Oh, c'mon.. there must be something worse? :D I think it's not so bad after all, but still... some extremities were rather small... :D

@DragonLady1 - it's on the top of Avenyn, that's the most famous street in Göteborg. I'm sure you were there during your visit to Göteborg. Well, maybe you weren't, who knows :)
haha I dont know either? I was only there for 2 days, actually saw a lot of things but it was more passing by... but I wouldnt blame my city guide for it, I was just interested in other things than culture ;) well next time :)

btw, someone postet a pic with peter here, just found I had one too, thats from new years eve in vienna and far after midnight so just dont mind my totally drunk look lol
