The new pic thread

DragonLady1 said:
haha I dont know either? I was only there for 2 days, actually saw a lot of things but it was more passing by... but I wouldnt blame my city guide for it, I was just interested in other things than culture ;) well next time :)

Well, nevermind.. You had a good time, so f**k Poseidon.. I doubt he can due to the size of his.. errr... yeah, you know :D
Jeez, why did you have to post that pic.. :ill:
It really is the ugliest thing i've ever seen... and i'm not talking about his penis. ;)
Seriously, i consider this statue as an insult to Poseidon, sculpture and art in general.
First time i saw it was indicative and went something like this:

swede: this is poseidon!
me: err..what? where..?
swede: that one, over there!
me: :lol:

As for his little willy, really, what do you expect from the poor (ugly) guy when he's standing naked in the middle of the swedish winter? ;)

Taliesin said:
but who's on 56k nowadays anyway? :p
me :Smug:

DragonLady1 said:
uuuuh poor guy really :ill:

well really dunno if I was there, not during the day, I would remember, and in the night I was far to drunk to remember where we exactly were *oops* but as said, next time... ;)

Well, now that you've seen it on pictures, you don't have to go there and witness the horror :D
Siren said:
Jeez, why did you have to post that pic.. :ill:
It really is the ugliest thing i've ever seen... and i'm not talking about his penis. ;)

Sorry, Siren... but someone was curious and I just had to show the greek pride :D
Yeah, I hear you.... it's not the greatest sculpture out there, but I don't think it's that bad. Forget his face and his manhood (?) and I think it is nice... the water all around, it's rather big and its location is picked perfectly.

Siren said:
As for his little willy, really, what do you expect from the poor (ugly) guy when he's standing naked in the middle of the swedish winter? ;)

Hahaha... that's true. It was rather difficult for him weather-wise, but still... can that shrink SO much?!! :D
Dragonlady said:
siren, have u been there in winter?
yeah, on christmas. :)

TheNewBuild said:
Sorry, Siren... but someone was curious and I just had to show the greek pride :D
what do you mean? :confused:

TheNewBuild said:
Yeah, I hear you.... it's not the greatest sculpture out there, but I don't think it's that bad. Forget his face and his manhood (?) and I think it is nice... the water all around, it's rather big and its location is picked perfectly.
That's a big problem, i tend to concentrate on his face..
Even if i try to ignore it, it ruins the whole thing for me. :erk:

TheNewBuild said:
Hahaha... that's true. It was rather difficult for him weather-wise, but still... can that shrink SO much?!! :D
I don't know about that, i guess you'd have to ask a swede. :D

sorry to the swedes :p
@dragonlady: anywhere northern from here is cold for me. :p
i know some people there (actually in a town close to Gothenburg), but that time i was sort of visiting the band.


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