The new pic thread

I dont even consider it pasta.. it's stuff I eat that keeps my bloodsugar up so I can keep drinking and headbanging.
Pasta is what I cook at home with a decent sauce and clean plates and all :p
Festival food is something unspeakable in most places, I'd rather not eat it but a human can't live many days without eating. I know very well what Taliesin meant with his comment and I would have eaten that pasta "stuff" gladly in hunger at festival. :p
Caotico said:
I've just created a Flickr account where I've uploaded some pics from various tours. It's not very organized yet, but...

You took a picture of my fav store in Canada! And wow, a lot of the stuff in those pics (05/05/05) I've never even noticed around here. :erk:

I never thought, in a million years, I would see a billboard ad for magic mushrooms.... and they accept CC's :Spin:



Mein Gott do I envy you people; South America, North America, Europe, Japan... Must be wonderful travelling around the world like that as part of you job. Nice photos!
awww. you're all so lost and alone... I hope you had your driver flogged :p
Ooer, there's a familiar face :wave: hello (I'm aware I'm waving at a picture... and the only thing thats slightly uneasing about it is the fact that it feels so right). erm.

anyway, these pics are making my morning.

Yours too diana... It seems you're superb all round when it comes to the cameras and pointing of them and stuff.

too much coffee today, sorry guys.