The new pic thread

Human Desert said:
@ rahvin & hyena: Am i not allowed to say that a marriage that includes cheating both ways is not a marriage i'd want to be in?

you are. i just couldn't find the damn post, but i'm not in favor of forbidding everything that i cannot see. ;)
you're also allowed to post that picture, i was only saying i find it in bad taste.
Like i said, i posted the picture because Lolita asked me to. It's true that i could have only posted the link, but everyone would have seen it that way too, so...

@ Lolita: You should just be glad that it's over with you now. And i don't want to fight with Gaby, i just don't personally love her, because she's told my boyfriend to dump me several times, while she was cheating on her own boyfriend. So the last thing i need to hear from her is her bitching at me.
tho I wasnt there to take pics I still did hahahaha, so here we go (all taken in the crowd exept from primordial where I got in the photopit):

Morgana Lefay

Count Raven



and the fun pictures:
with Messiah from Candlemass and Primordial

the metal bee :lol:

me being drunk and stupid

how my clothes looked like after the end of the second day... mud

breakfast beer with Morgana Lefay

a band I never heard of (Doomfox) playing rockstars

well and many many more on my page ;)

hey, look, we're trying to have a flame war over here, ok? Photos to remind me I didn't go to Wacken should be banned in respect for those of us who couldn't make it :p ;)

I did not take Lolita's side, I told BOTH of you to shut up. She is a grown woman and should not need anyone to defend her.
As for my cheating on my boyfriend, as I’m positive he hasn’t told you about it, you really have no clue what you’re talking about, no clue on the circumstances, reasons or consequences, so you should learn to shut it. The fact that I’m less than perfect doesn’t detract from my opinion, which is that you and Lolita have repeatedly gotten into ridiculous fights which hurt most posters eyes and ruin their mornings, and though my infidelity hurt two people and ruined two lives (a bigger fault, to be sure) at least we knew how to keep it between us.
And just to clear things up, I never told your boyfriend to dump you. Before he dated you I gave him my advice as a friend, based on the things he chose to share with me about you, and warned him that I thought you were a highly unbalanced, passive-aggressive person with whom he was embarking in a dysfunctional and dependant relationship. It was an opinion based on what facts I knew, facts I won’t share on an online forum because they were told in confidence to me. Though at first my friendship with Lasse made me want to be civil to you, for his sake (as I told you in a PM, the way delicate matters should be treated), I no longer have that constraint.
So, here it goes: I feel sorrier for you than I feel for Lolita or for myself. You are a pathetic little leech and I’m not willing to give you even more attention than you already demand from the world. Goodbye.
@hd: but i didn't say anything! i just told rahvin that actually there was a post in which you were commenting on lolita's marriage. i didn't say i agreed or disagreed.

by the way, i think that you have the right not to want to be in that kind of relationship, but i also think lolita has the right to want to be in it. i mean - we're talking about consenting adults here, aren't we? so what do you care if they want to be in an open relationship? if they're clear about it, it's not like anyone is cheating.

personally, i don't think i would be able to handle such a relationship - i'd get totally mad at anyone else coming between me and my partner (if i had a partner, that is). but this doesn't stop me from thinking that if two people decide they'd rather be able to have sexual partners other than each other it's strictly their business.
i should take the best episodes of the past three years, create a script and sell it to some tv station in need of yet another hilarious soap.
Hitori said:
I did not take Lolita's side, I told BOTH of you to shut up. She is a grown woman and should not need anyone to defend her.
As for my cheating on my boyfriend, as I’m positive he hasn’t told you about it, you really have no clue what you’re talking about, no clue on the circumstances, reasons or consequences, so you should learn to shut it. The fact that I’m less than perfect doesn’t detract from my opinion, which is that you and Lolita have repeatedly gotten into ridiculous fights which hurt most posters eyes and ruin their mornings, and though my infidelity hurt two people and ruined two lives (a bigger fault, to be sure) at least we knew how to keep it between us.
And just to clear things up, I never told your boyfriend to dump you. Before he dated you I gave him my advice as a friend, based on the things he chose to share with me about you, and warned him that I thought you were a highly unbalanced, passive-aggressive person with whom he was embarking in a dysfunctional and dependant relationship. It was an opinion based on what facts I knew, facts I won’t share on an online forum because they were told in confidence to me. Though at first my friendship with Lasse made me want to be civil to you, for his sake (as I told you in a PM, the way delicate matters should be treated), I no longer have that constraint.
So, here it goes: I feel sorrier for you than I feel for Lolita or for myself. You are a pathetic little leech and I’m not willing to give you even more attention than you already demand from the world. Goodbye.
No it was not your boyfriend who told me. It was a person to whom you told it yourself, and they told it to me. Anyway, the fact that i don't like you comes from the way you treat other people, and what your friends have told me about you.

And you're wrong. Lasse was dating me when you told him that, but no one knew about it except us. From the very beginning Lasse knew what he was getting into, he knew what i'm like but he still wanted me. So he didn't need anyone's stupid advice then, and he doesn't need it now. He's a grown up and he can take care of his own life.

I don't need any attention from the world. I really really don't need nor want any attention from people i dislike.

@ hyena: I agree, and i already told Lolita that she can be in whatever type of marrige is good for her. My only point was that I would not want to be in such a marriage.
Oh for fuck's sake... Let's make an intricate chart of who fucked who and who told who what and where and when they told/fucked/cheated on/lipsynced to Boy George together with what person, and why they did it and the whats and ifs and who's unstable and who's not and whose relationship is going down the drain, and so on and so on.
Malaclypse, I think that's a brilliant idea, if you want a co-author let me know :p That type of shit should appeal to the people who like "Big Brother", so there's definitely a market for it.

Other than that, I definitely agree with hyena. An open relationship would definitely not be for me, but for some people that might be the best solution. "We're ALL individuals!" (guess the film). As long as all parts agree to and are fine with arrangements, I don't really care what they are.

Lets' get down to business, however:

@Krypton: Thank you kindly :) And you really don't need a super camera to get nice pictures, I have lots of shots that I absolutely love that were taken with my old point-and-shoot APS, among those some very dramatic fog-images of that very same keep, actually.

@wildfyr: Thank you again :) I'm glad you like it, it's always great to have someone appreciate what one does, especially when the appreciation comes from someone who is very talented:)

@DL: Very nice pictures, I especially like the muddy shoes one for some reason, maybe because it's so easy to relate to the situation :p

edit: Nt3N: Beautiful pictures, I'm especially fond of those gorgeous leaves and flowers :)
Human Desert said:
Like i said, i posted the picture because Lolita asked me to. It's true that i could have only posted the link, but everyone would have seen it that way too, so...

well, let's say for the sake of argument that i'm bigger than a beached whale. even if i'm comfortable with my size and keep a livejournal with pictures of my spherical persona all over the place, and even if you accuse me to be a fatty and i come to you saying "oh yeah? do you have proof, young lady?", it's still not kind of you to go fetch a picture and expose it to everybody with the caption "at least i'm not bigger than a beached whale".

in general, walking up to any group of people with an incriminating photograph and saying something about it that ends with the equivalent of "HAHA!!! GOTCHA!!!" is an arrogant way to prove a point. it's best to disagree with decency: the public opinion is not swayed by either your claim that lolita leads a promiscuous life, nor by your claim that hitori has at some point handled her private life in an awkward way. nobody cares to hear it like this.

i'm only saying these things to you because you're currently the one who seems most agitated about this whole fight. do not take from this that i disagree with you about the facts, as my knowledge of the private lives of the people involved is extremely limited.
Nice example :p
Anyway, i'm not agitated about anything, since no person like that can disturb me when i'm feeling great. I'm only stating facts and my opinions, and if someone disagrees with my opinions, then too bad. I'm off now, and i'll probably delete my UM account so that i won't have to listen to these retards anymore.

And Gaby, Lasse's happier than ever now, so if he'd taken your stupid advice you'd probably have ruined his life.
until one of your new kitties dies and you need "a few" shoulders to cry on? i'll probably be the forum's boo man for posting this, but what the heck: don't expect any kind of understanding if you are not able to respect or at least ignore other people's behaviour. the world doesn't need you more than anybody else here. or less. the world just doesn't care.
also, this might help:
ah! someone noticed my picture! thank you

well im kinda bored with that 'fuck' thing (lets call it that way) i dont get it-im a newbie lol- and i think its not the place to talk about that since it doesnt concern everybody here its kinda annoying to have all those conversations in this thread!
but thats just my point of view...