The new pic thread

Human Desert said:
Anyway, i'm not agitated about anything [...] I'm off now, and i'll probably delete my UM account so that i won't have to listen to these retards anymore.
Is anyone else thinking that's a little odd or just me? Anyway, no one has ever "won" an internet mud battle so just stop replying to the damn thing mmmkay?
Malaclypse said:
!important! this is posted just for the pic, as-is, no relation to any previous posts, i swear :)


I've got nothing else to say about the matter anymore, except one thing I'd like to comment on what hyena said about open relationships. Me and my husband have an open relationship to certain extent BUT that doesn't mean sexual acts. Kissing with friends is allowed. Something else can be allowed when discussed and agreed but for the moment there is no need for anything like that.

I also hope this debate here on this forum is over once and for all.


Back to the topic.
The infamous Tuska festival pictures. Contains Finnish drunkenness. :)

My festival outfit for Friday.


Saturday hangover faces.

Sunday and still smiling.

Our new club.

The whole gallery:
@taliesin: you're not the only one. i'm still surprised when someone pulls a disappearing act, as it seems to me that anybody who's been using the internet for more than six months should by now approach online communities as a place to go for information or fun or debate. not a backyard where you throw fits with your trashy neighbors over who did what to whom.

edit: for the record, i'm not calling anyone trashy. just used the words that fit the metaphor for starting personal fights.
Northern Lights said:
@Krypton: Thank you kindly :) And you really don't need a super camera to get nice pictures, I have lots of shots that I absolutely love that were taken with my old point-and-shoot APS, among those some very dramatic fog-images of that very same keep, actually.

Well I have a decent camera but I feel it's not good enough for me. :erk: And right now getting a new one is out of question. It's an ok camera for normal use, but in some conditions it just fucks up the quality and everything, no matter how hard I try to adjust it and the resulting pic is close to useless. Very often I end up heavily repairing my pics in photoshop and psp. I would like the use of these programs to be more like for artistic implementations and so on... Not like it's now when I use like 70% of the time in repairs and adjustments. :cry:

But feel free to suggest good cameras and I'll take them into consideration.
Should have started a new thread for that debate. People clearly wanted to say more than they had chance to. And people were just repeatedly saying "I said she said we said, my opinion, Im not bitching"... It only carried on cos of guys like me coming in and saying 'hey you, that's stupid'. But yeah. I'm more inclined to agree with human desert on just about all accounts.

My last word on that debate is I find reading these sorts of things kind of amusing. Only when its between people I feel I know (in a way)... but yes, Mal and NL... make something out of it. It might be really crappy but totally addictively entertaining :)

Pics... erm... Me being an immense poser.

All for my not really serious music project...
@Idari, @Lolita: Stop bitching this thread, NOBODY CARES what the hell do you think about marriage or how's your couple's relationship, indeed (seems Hitori is the only one who cares, though). Feel free to think and do whatever you want, and If you dislike other's comments, just ignore them.

@DL1, @Nt3N, @Dark Silence: Great pics you guys ;)
So here are a few of our Wacken pics. Copyrights owned by my roomie. You wont spot me much cause not many presentable photos of mine were taken :p


Arrival.. first day and already the mud's everywhere


Beeeeer... gooooood..


Heh.. at first we thought the crew was filming and taking pics.. but then we saw it was an army helicopter and the crew was circling the festival for fun.. looked impressive when it tilted its nose down and flew right over the stages :)


Bangen Sie ihr fucking Kopf Mann!


3 dresses and a mic that matches the colours? my pals please! Otherwise a good concert. Btw that's Nightwish. Well you guessed anyway. Who else changes dresses 3 times in one show?




"I so wanted to see them, but that was before I found out I needed a fucking boat to get to the fucking stages!!"


And it gets worse...


"The next song was written by.. Edvarrrrrrd.. Grrrrriiieeeg" lol


hrhr :)

Dissection. tbh


"Shitweather!" :loco:


At Wacken you eat like a king! A feast for tongue and eyes!


Someone's headbanging in the tree during Finntroll :)


A rainbow during Hammerfall. The Gods must have a sense of humour :Spin:


Us.. well most of us ;)


Sunset over Wacken
My roomie saw Edguy and I think he'd have mentioned it..
A helicopter did land on one of the camping grounds though, to transport a man to the hospital. He fell from one of the small hills while taking a leak, hit his head on the side of an ambulance and his head got under the rear wheel. He died in the hospital later because of his injuries :(
Malaclypse said:
until one of your new kitties dies and you need "a few" shoulders to cry on?
also, this might help:
That was extremely unnecessary and a cheap and childish thing to say. Would you find it funny if for example your brother died of cancer, and everyone kept making fun and bitching about it? Fuck you.
Anyway, no i won't be coming here if one of my cats dies. I've got people who care about me and help me in real life thankyou.

Also, i already know i'm depressed and it's been taken care of, so fuck off with your stupid links.

@ Angel: No one's forcing you to read those posts. If you just want to see the pictures in this thread, then just LOOK AT THE PICTURES instead of reading every post here. And go to therapy already.

ps: Stop calling me idari, that's not my name anymore.
Taliesin said:

At Wacken you eat like a king! A feast for tongue and eyes!

as a proud Italian i should express my whole disgust'n'contempt for that "pasta" :Smug:

but i won't as i'm eating a fine dish of TRUE PASTA (this means "pasta al dente", not that sticky and softy pulp) right now, so my mouth is far too filled with delicious maccheroni to yell out at u, unless my monitor wants some pasta too on its surface :D :Spin:

do not hate me for that, but i really felt like i had to say it :D
there's free food at my hotel at nights. i picked up a plate of 'pasta' on my way up.

now i see why it was free. ewww.

edit: :lol: @ the hammerfall comment
fireangel said:
Nt3N: I suppose people don´t visit Wacken-Festival for the food ;)
Unless you can bring a decent cooking equipment with you to the festival site, eating at this kind of place has a mere survival-aspect :D
yep, i know that.. but still pasta shouldn't be eaten the way YOU (and i mean the non-Italians) do :D