The new pic thread

The first one is simply amazing. Great work!

One day, when I'll know something about the technical aspect for photography, I'll extend my commentary and ask you intelligent questions thus sounding more interesting. But, for now, I'll stick to say that you are one damn good photographer.


Mois before the Arch Enemy concert yessssterday :D

Ughi got kicked out for being overly drunk, loooooooool :D :D :D

I couldn't close my moputh, that's all.
Undo & Siren: I'm glad you enjoyed the pics.

plintus: Ahahaha! The lightpost pic is hysterical. You shouldn't be climbing lightposts in your condition, though, should you? Btw, when's the due date? :p

Zack: Thanks for sharing your work.

Diana: It appears to have been a nice sunny day for round two of the neighborhood images. If I may ask, do you use a tripod for shoots like that? The pic with the graffiti is my fave. :)

Dave: Cool. Nice shot of the sign and the park. Looks like another sunny day location. Thank you very much for your nice comments about my fotos, also. :oops:

Caroline: The last hair shot is ace. You outdo yourself every time. =)
wildfyr said:
plintus: Ahahaha! The lightpost pic is hysterical. You shouldn't be climbing lightposts in your condition, though, should you? Btw, when's the due date? :p

I should have reached the top, but that stupid bus schedule didn't let me :loco: Haha :D Due date? Ugh, good question, let me check under the table...

:zombie: :heh:

Rincewind said:
@plintus: Isn't long hair supposed to be gone long time ago?!
Or you're too attached to it? :)

Nah, it';s attached tio me :D I was going to the stylist this MOnday, but the place was close... but since my date got cancelled - I'll have it for longer now :) But I'm trimming it this week, I think :D
This fucker just posted some new pics on his Flickr, lemme say, he's grown :) When around a year ago he started blathering about going to school for photography, I was only like "Oh yeah, cool", now the guy actually DOES shit...

Taking SUCH pictures during concert on a crappy camera where you can't even change settings, cuz the LCD is fucked... and other stuff - hands down.

//All black and white photography and some early color shots were done with a 35mm camera.

Had a major crush on the guy to the right :oops:

I was going to post an image of a beach, but I was too lazy too resize, so I took this one. It's me uhm.... A while ago.... 6 months maybe
Tritonus said:

Had a major crush on the guy to the right :oops:

Can I have his phone number?

Tritonus said:

I was going to post an image of a beach, but I was too lazy too resize, so I took this one. It's me uhm.... A while ago.... 6 months maybe

I demand a beach photo. Simply cuz I love beaches :)