The News Thread

To clarify, I don't believe attacks on immigration/deportation agencies by the left are going to change the Hispanic (mostly) value base. Vice-versa, ultimately the left will turn on religious values...they're not on the same team, despite what the left claims. The democrats are supportive of ANY amnesty programs because they get PAID to run and implement them. Most Hispanics are not going to vote democratic when they see democrats attacking the Christian religious base...nor are they going to abandon being primarily catholic.
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I call them the "left" because with so many anti-conservative groups around that aren't democrats, it's hard to acknowledge each individual movement- In Portland, everything from the Occupy movements to the Anarchists are centered around completely dismantling the status quo. I'm not trying to come off as a right extremist lol.
My mistake. But that somehow makes it better?

The word of Arpaio and his department is precisely one of the elements that's in question here. They've faked documents, ignored cases, and planned a fake plot to have their sheriff assassinated to make him look better. Why should we trust these people? There's a system of behaviors and practices that is impossible to ignore. Your commitment to factual exactitude is admirable, but it strikes me that you're looking for inconsistencies in what is at large a repeating pattern.


It's one case with six plaintiffs representing potentially many more instances. But it doesn't matter if there aren't any other cases. It's not effectively enforcing immigration procedures if you're detaining people who are here legally, just like it's not effectively enforcing drug policy if you're detaining pot smokers with a medical license. Arpaio's methods made it increasingly likely that he would detain documented immigrants or travelers, and it looks like that's exactly what happened

That's an understandable concern, and I'm certainly skeptical of law enforcement at times. However, I don't see a problematic repeating pattern here. You're right that Arpaio's methods increased the likelyhood of detaining someone who might be a citizen and/or legal immigrant. It's an unfortunate side effect of increasing sensitivity that specificity is sacrificed.

For any test, there is usually a trade-off between the measures – for instance, in airport security since testing of passengers is for potential threats to safety, scanners may be set to trigger alarms on low-risk items like belt buckles and keys (low specificity), in order to increase the probability of identifying dangerous objects and minimize the risk of missing objects that do pose a threat (high sensitivity). This trade-off can be represented graphically using a receiver operating characteristic curve. A perfect predictor would be described as 100% sensitive, meaning all sick individuals are correctly identified as sick, and 100% specific, meaning no healthy individuals are incorrectly identified as sick. In reality, however, any non-deterministic predictor will possess a minimum error bound known as the Bayes error rate.

If border security was better, if illegal immigration wasn't subsidized in the forms of easy handouts and liberal support, maybe it wouldn't fall on other forms of law enforcement to lean on sensitivity over specificity.

You're inclined to discount the testimony of six plaintiffs, but with no consideration for the many individuals who likely don't want to be dragged into litigation. I can hear the comeback already--"because they don't want to be deported." But I think an equally likely answer is that they're documented citizens who simply don't want to be the center of a media sensation.

Sure, it's possible. But we have a sample of somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 million people, whether we are talking about the Hispanic population of Maricopa county alone (nevermind neighboring counties - although Arizona counties are huge geographically), or the number of traffic stops over a decade. And all that were mustered were 6? And at least one isn't even a citizen or immigrant and iirc didn't testify? If I were doing any form of social science research and I found 6 outliers in a million responses, those would be investigated as potentially fraudulent/problematic/compromised entries. Certainly nothing significant even if legitimate. It's actually freaking amazing in my mind, given the public stance, that there weren't more.
Oh man... :rolleyes:

In all fairness, if my barber gave me a Nazi haircut I'd probably stab myself too.

Some other cases of faked anti-white crimes in that story. Something to keep an eye on.

There are no Nazi haircuts and if you buy into that kind of stupid thing that's just sad.

But yes, this guy is such an absolute idiot for doing this. I could understand if he himself was of the alt-right and he was trying to besmirch his opponents like all the leftists out there that write Nazi graffiti on stuff and then claim it was a hate crime. I get it, the mobs of victimhood cultists like the alt-right and the ctrl-left will plumb the depths to get a win, but some random white asshole who so far hasn't revealed any political affiliation or agenda?

Probably a product of people's obsession with the 15 minutes of fame.
How many trans people are even in the military? seems like more people protesting it than it affects. should be worried about larger issues like climate change and diplomacy. sure it's discrimination and it matters some but it's the military, who cares who we let get shot at
The government passing discriminatory laws based upon gender / sexuality/ etc. is definitely something to be concerned about. This is the kind of horseshit that is supposed to separate a (supposedly) developed, democratic, freedom-loving country like the U.S. from ass-backwards, savage developing countries.
Transgenders in the military will undoubtedly tie up our military courts with discrimination lawsuits...they don't want to be in the military, they just want to get their foot in the door to start another media frenzy. After 19 years in the Marines and national guard, I've yet to see a transgender enlist.
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In what way is it a fail?

His (unconstitutional, discriminatory) ban being put on hold is a fail, duh.

The real "fail" there is that Mattis is basically delaying Trump's ban, at the very least. Trump put it in motion, then Mattis put it on hold. If there's a silver lining to this fucked up administration, it's that people like Mattis will hopefully put their foot down when the president throws a temper tantrum.