The News Thread

Who cares about transgenders in the military? They're almost non existent. We got North Korea sending ballistics over Japan, and Mattis is more concerned with making sure he's seen opposing Trumps position on diplomacy with NK, among other distractions (like this). I'm tired of these pointless "causes" people choose to highlight that cater to a micro percentage of self proclaimed victims. If anyone personally knows a transgender in the military who's being discriminated against, then I'll digress, but...
The number of transgenders in the military fails as an important factoid as it is usable by both sides of the argument towards their point. More important concerns are cost-benefit analyses which must be comprehensive, long term, and from an orientation of Mission First.
Mission first will cease to exist if we let identity politics take hold in the military. I couldn't re-enlist in the Marines because of too many's just the fucking way it is. Complainers wouldn't do well in the Military, let alone people caught up in identity politics. I hear civilians talk about the military all the time and they have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
You're referring to only one "type" of transgender, and only indistinguishable until shower time comes and they want special treatment...the military doesn't give special treatment. If they're putting their sexuality in front of their duty then it's a conflict of interest in the military's eyes. The military is not where you go to "do what you want", or have "rights" lol!!!! You're told what to do, when you WILL do it, and how you'll do it EVERY MINUTE you're on duty...if you don't like that and vocalize it, you'll get the shit kicked out of yourself and get court martialed. People think the military is fucking play time, or something...?. Non-military frequently don't understand the difference from civilian life- and they certainly don't understand protocol, or chain of commands. You have no personal freedom and are just a rank in the military...It shocks me how in the dark people are when it comes to our military- doesn't anyone have friends in the service??
In response to the question "doesn't anyone have friend in the military" - the answer broadly is not really, and the answer even more narrowly in relation to combat arms, no. Your time (and mine) in the Marine Corps (although I swang with the wang), is an even more narrow experience in terms of both veterans and their civilian acquaintances. It's a point of pride that the USMC is the most effective branch at the point of contact, a point that is lost on other branches, which goes in magnitude for conflict ignorant lifelong civilians.
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If someone born a woman takes their male hormones, gets in shape, indistinguishable from a born-male, and wants to serve, it's the person trying to prevent that that is playing identity politics.

If research shows no downside to allowing trans people to serve in a combat role, then yes I agree.
But there is also an argument to be made against having the military pay for any transition steps.
You're referring to only one "type" of transgender, and only indistinguishable until shower time comes and they want special treatment...the military doesn't give special treatment. If they're putting their sexuality in front of their duty then it's a conflict of interest in the military's eyes. The military is not where you go to "do what you want", or have "rights" lol!!!! You're told what to do, when you WILL do it, and how you'll do it EVERY MINUTE you're on duty...if you don't like that and vocalize it, you'll get the shit kicked out of yourself and get court martialed. People think the military is fucking play time, or something...?. Non-military frequently don't understand the difference from civilian life- and they certainly don't understand protocol, or chain of commands. You have no personal freedom and are just a rank in the military...It shocks me how in the dark people are when it comes to our military- doesn't anyone have friends in the service??

How does the military handle born-women in showers?

The liberals are the ones bringing this 'non-military' issue to the military's table...not vice-versa

Transgender people have served previously.

If research shows no downside to allowing trans people to serve in a combat role, then yes I agree.
But there is also an argument to be made against having the military pay for any transition steps.

This argument could be made in a lot of ways, however. Research could show that blacks have higher rates of criminality and end up court martialed at a disproportionate rate relative to other ethnic groups, for example, but discriminating wholesale based on that demographic would still be illegal.
This argument could be made in a lot of ways, however. Research could show that blacks have higher rates of criminality and end up court martialed at a disproportionate rate relative to other ethnic groups, for example, but discriminating wholesale based on that demographic would still be illegal.

Being black isn't a mental health status.
Being black isn't a distraction based on sexual identity either, and as far as women showering...? You mean women with vaginas? You'll have to more specific, unless they've gone full tilt and had a sausage sewed on, or a sausage removal and a hole drilled, your talking about "men" with vaginas showering with men, and "women" with penises showering with's potentially dangerous, and LOTS can go wrong. I acknowledge there are isolated transgender serving and if, as you said they were "indistinguishable" it wouldn't be an issue but the gay and trans community isn't the "be quiet and blend in" types exactly, usually it's the person who centers their life around a certain lifestyle who makes people aware (by different means) of their identity, then demands first respect (that's cool), then usually accommodations for their lifestyle. The military isn't oriented that way
It's like minorities being angry that the KKK won't let them join...?...I don't get why they'd put themselves in the WORST environment possible- can you imagine the PTSD claims?
The argument about there being a small number of transgender individuals in the military can be reversed. As I see it, people are claiming that there aren't that many to begin with, so why are we worrying about them being kept out?

But it could just as easily read: there aren't that many of them to begin with, so why are we worrying about them being allowed to stay?

If they're such a small percentage, then I doubt we're going to see upsurges in unpreparedness, unit decohesion, etc.

But that shouldn't be the argument for allowing them to join the military if they want. That's just a comment on what I see as the weakness of the counterargument.

Being black isn't a mental health status.

It used to be, albeit before we had fancier phrases like "mental health status."

Michel Foucault writes of madness in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that stories or analogies of humans acting like animals were

no longer an indication of the power of the devil, nor a result of a diabolical alchemy of unreason. The animal in man was no longer an indicator of a beyond, but had become in itself his madness, with no reference to anything other than itself, his madness in a natural state. The animality that raged in madness dispossessed man of his humanity, not so that he might fall prey to other powers, but rather to fix him at the zero degree of his own nature. Madness, in its ultimate form, was for the classical age a direct relation between man and his animality [...]

Now bear in mind that in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, blacks were considered to be more primitive, closer to their natural, or animal, state than whites were. They exhibited a closer proximity to a "wilderness existence," according to eighteenth-century naturalists. Concomitant with that understanding is a classification of blacks as cognitively inferior, as having minds more like animals than humans--in other words, they were, by nature, insane. Coincidentally, this also became one justification for colonialism, since those of inferior minds needed to be helped. The rise of modern institutionalization is not a continuation of this practice, but it is historically parallel.

The recognition of transgender people within our society is still new, and until we've dedicated more efforts to perceiving them and treating them normally, we need to take any proposed study with a grain of salt; because while those studies will reveal quantitative information about transgender health, they will also silently reflect the conditions that give rise to that information.
so why are we worrying about them being kept out?

the whole thang in the military is the limitation of distractions. to which these distractions are accused of effecting mission readiness. This debate over trans is more ideological than pragmatic, so I don't get why it's being presented this way or that since it's such a small % of the military and the $'s that it should just be ignored or something.
treating them normally

They specifically request not-normal treatment in a variety of ways. Requests to treat the not-normal normally (or even further, to treat the demanding not-normal treatment normally - as in the transgender case) is how one can create the unsolvable problem for which one can generate attention and moneys indefinitely for doing nothing more than causing problems.
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Cool, more spending!...we'll have to put cameras in every common (and personal) see where this keeps going- this would be a big pet project for them. Maybe they can put their money where their mouth is and fund their own liberal military by taxing the 1% of richest democrats?...oh wait, they want to use everyone's money while the minority tell the majority what's right and wrong. Now they want to run the military lol- Don't kid yourselves, the liberals want cameras in your bedroom to see how you fuck your old lady (they think that's their business, too) to sniff out "hatred"...and they'd just as soon dismantle the police and they can attack gyms and fitness facilities claiming "fit" people are creating an "unrealistic image" and making unfit people self conscious (that's others fault, too). This is what coddling causes.
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