The next album of Turisas?

well i've actually seen them 11 times, but only these 7 since i've been going off-topic... :p

See I'm in a weird position because I've never posted a photo on here. I suspect that it was Thraxas Warlord recognised at Birmingham, because the only people even vaguely connected to Turisas who'd recognise me (apart from you, Mika and Lettuce) are Jarkko from Korpiklaani and Perttu (Olli's brother) because I've interviewed them both.

Unless Warlord's actually been paying attention to the Baby Vikings' MySpace and recognised me from the top friends :lol:
sometimes it´s better not to post photos on forums, at least you have the the chance to get away unrecognized XD
Ok, maybe feminine's pushing it. But he did look very 60s literary rebel-ish, like he was going off to his room to write angry prose about the world in general.

(I think it was mainly the jacket and how pissed-off he looked though :lol:)

what about an album about finnish musicians looking female? *runs off and hides*
Oh an going back to the original argument, Vikings didn't have cannons as far as I know and yet I can hear them in R.R.R...
You girls in here are damn rude ffs

we are not, we're lovely people really...we've just had a bit too much sugar today...

back to the kerrang thing, turns out i'm in the 'my favourite new album' bit with my comments about ultra beatdown, just glad they didn't take my profile pic off myspace haha

back on topic... erm... now i'm struggling, this is a new concept for me... on topic....

seriously though, will be interesting to hear where they go with it. personally i'd like another epic story like the Varangian Way, something that gets you interested in the topic behind it as well as loving the music behind it.... or just anything that lets me dance like a maniac! :D
wow...just. Wow.
On topic I'm pretty sure Warlord could write a song about someone's cat and I would think it was awesome. As long as the new album has some kind of story with violin and accordion I'll be pretty happy.
On topic I'm pretty sure Warlord could write a song about someone's cat and I would think it was awesome.

He could write an epic about my cat, who once managed to get attacked by a magpie and another time got himself stuck under the floorboards when we were having the livingroom floor done.

He wasn't the brightest by a long chalk, but he'd make a cracking epic!