The next album of Turisas?

'one fer the road', then 'one fer the gate', 'one fer the gutter', 'one fer the brick through the off-licence window' 'one fer the police van' and possibly then 'one fer t'sheer hell of it'.
oh no, DoomsdayZach wants to revive the discussion. sigh. I get so tired of this.

One last time for everyone to lazy to read it all:

LIKE I SAID BEFORE, I PERSONALLY doesn't add to the credibility of a band if they hop from one culture, religion or in this case mythology to another.

DoomsdayZach, nice for you that your band can sing about many different themes, and I am sure you're a GREAT bassist. But you guys play a different metal (sub)genre. Not for the better or the worse, that's not what I mean, but different nonetheless.

Heavy/Speed Metal (as M-A calls you) doesn't have to be as "true" and "stick to your roots" as Folk/Viking/Pagan/... metal, because that whole genre is ABOUT sticking to your roots, mythology, history etc. But you can also make a power/speed metal album about how you were dumped by that one hot chick but you still love her...That wouldn't work out well if you guys had a "folk metal band".

"Folk" elements in music mean the band takes inspiration from (local!) mythology (Turisas = finnish god), stories, or historical facts (Varangian journeys e.g.). That's why I also feel bands such as Skiltron just don't do it for me personally. They are basically "fake". I am not bashing them, and I know, I know, Turisas wear jeans and use computers, I understand. That's completely besides the point. At least they sing about THEIR cultural, histocial herritage. And that's what I meant with "true" etc. So to go short: will Turisas' music suddenly change subjects to a whole different religion and culture (because that's basically what we're talking about here); I don't think so.

/end of rant. for the last time, next one who wants to discuss this with me can do so by PM. thank you for your attention.