Where to begin? The N64 is by far the most underrated system of all time. So many people always tend to say, "oh the N64 sucked, what a waste of money," "playstation was so much better its not funny,"..... well fuck that. Playstation was good, has my favorite game of all time (FF7), but i've never had as much fun playing games in general as much as i did with the N64. The closest thing i had come to playing a 3d game before playing Mario 64 that Christmas of '96 was Doom on my old PC. Imagine the contrast. Back then, Mario 64 was the most visually advanced, revolutionary, and amazing platformer ever created. The 3d platformer is such a flat out amazing genre, and the N64 OWNED it by FAR. The thing about the N64 was that it had the 3 most amazing platform games I've ever played, M64, Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie(godly).....and it was an absolutely killer system for FPS games as well (PS just can't compare).... first time I played Turok, my jaw dropped, it was the most amazing FPS ever. Absolutely incredible. Then there was Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Turok 2, Doom 64, etc.... And we cant forget my two favorite racing games ever, the extremely underrated and awesome Extreme-G and XG-2 (its all about those tracks). Now, about the Playstation, here's the thing..... it had the FF series, and they are undoubtedly amazing, plus the CGI still graphics were on a different level (although real-time graphics the N64 obviously owned). But the main problem with the Playstation is that the ratio of "Best Game Ever-type games" to "Games that I bought used for 5 bucks, had fun with for a week, then tossed it like a frisbee" is, well pretty damn bad. PS had only a few of those "Best game ever-type games", while the N64 just had countless amounts for me. And there were none of those "buy used and throw a week later type games" on the N64. So there ya go. I had to get that out of my system, and anyone who loves the N64 as much as I do, please let the world know.