The Norwegian Thread

are you typing with the leftside "alt" and the numbers on the right side thing?
hmm she said rightside "alt" so I'm using that and I was trying the letters since she said that was for windows. so like rightAlt and W didn't work. I don't have the numbers on the side cuz I use a laptop.

I just tried the numbers way and it doesn't work either :/
ALT + 0229 => press left side ALT and number keys behind numlock. In laptop you have to first press numlock on and then you (hopefully) get numlock numbers from keyboard (you might have some small blue numbers on keys to indicate numlock numbers, also in some laptops you need to also press "Fn" key to get numlock on). My laptop maps them like this:
7, 8, 9 => 7, 8, 9
u, i, o => 4, 5, 6
j, k, l => 1, 2, 3
m => 0

US- International keyboard : Try these step by step instructions
ALT + 0229 => press left side ALT and number keys behind numlock. In laptop you have to first press numlock on and then you (hopefully) get numlock numbers from keyboard (you might have some small blue numbers on keys to indicate numlock numbers, also in some laptops you need to also press "Fn" key to get numlock on). My laptop maps them like this:
7, 8, 9 => 7, 8, 9
u, i, o => 4, 5, 6
j, k, l => 1, 2, 3
m => 0

US- International keyboard : Try these step by step instructions

I just followed the instructions from the first link you gave, the microsoft site. And it works!!!!!! ååååääääööööææææøøøø

Tusen takk Miia :D
wtf non norwegian people speaking norwegian EVERYWHERE:O

And I have macro buttons!!

check it out, this is macro button S3:

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

and number 4: ghey

number 5 open itunes and 6 opens msn:p
wtf non norwegian people speaking norwegian EVERYWHERE:O

Yeah and next thing you know they all come to Norway because guys are hot and and invade all your gigs and you just can't get to to front row anymore if you are lucky to enough to even get tickets because they already somehow bought all and if you don't like then they think you are bitch :cry:

I also love macro buttons.
Yeah and next thing you know they all come to Norway because guys are hot and and invade all your gigs and you just can't get to to front row anymore if you are lucky to enough to even get tickets because they already somehow bought all and if you don't like then they think you are bitch :cry:

I also love macro buttons.

I hate people who think that a country they have never been to is so fucking great because of some band or whatever lol. Even if oyu have visited the country its totally fucking different living there.

btw I'm not insulting Norway. :p
I hate people who think that a country they have never been to is so fucking great because of some band or whatever lol. Even if oyu have visited the country its totally fucking different living there.

btw I'm not insulting Norway. :p

Yes you are