The Novella Reservoir - studio journal

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Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
June 16th, 2006 (Friday)

(Paul) The first day was all arrival and set up. The day was spent skinning the drum set, tuning the heads, and then Chris worked his magic to find the greatest drum sound this band has ever laid down. We took a slightly different approach this time out, and decided to use brand new, top notch gear, which has made a huge difference already. The other difference is the recording is now being handled with and HD system, so the spectrum of sound we're getting is enormous. This day was all Joe and Chris, Vito made his appearance dropping off the amps for the scratch tracks. After a solid 6 hours of set up, we are ready to begin tracking early the next day.
June 17th, 2006 (Saturday)

(Paul) Saturday begins with a 2 hour drive to the studio with Larry and guitar tech (and Larrys room mate) Willie Gee. Stopping at the usual oasis we've now dubbed "The ND oasis" we fueled up, grabbed some fuel for ourselves as well, and continued on to the studio, listening to Larrys make shift care stereo of computer speakers and a portable CD player. Part genious, part style, all ghetto!

Arriving at the studio, saying our "hello's" and catching up with Chris, we got down to work quickly, getting scratch guitar sounds, and making a few final tweaks on the drums, tracking began. Joe started the day very solid, and on day one of tracking, Joe knocked out 'Rain,' 'The Novella Reservoir,' 'They Were Left to Die' and 'Drown the Inland Mere.' Most of the day had a focused feeling, and these songs really began to form life. Even during the writing process, it's always hard to get a good feel for the song, until it's actually laid down, and you can hear it all clearly. I already hear drum elements I didn't hear over the past several months, and I really feel this could be Joe's best work to date.

It's off to the Hotel, where Chris, Joe and Willie hit the local bars, Vito, Larry and I decided rest, and 1966 Captain America cartoons were called for.

[Voted in by Joe]
Paul - "I love older woman! You know that 50 year old from the Bowflex commercials? I'd give up toes for a piece of that!"

Okay I'm just going to add my comments here along with Paul's for each day, to make it a bit easier to read and keep together....

Saturday was a productive day. As Paul said, we managed to get four out of eight songs done drum-wise. Actually, only seven songs have proper drum tracks, as one of them will have percussion of sorts, but not a full on drum section....kinda hard to explain, you'll see (or hear, rather) when it's done!

Funny how certain songs you think will be easier to do, wind up being difficult, and vice versa. Being as judgemental as I am about our material, it's hard not to get too critical of the songs so early on in the process. While I can have an idea in my head of what the songs should sound like when finished, hearing them so stripped down and basic at this stage just tends to put me in a critical stage of panic. It's kind of hard to explain. But Chris and Paul both seemed to have very positive feelings towards the material, as they sit in the control room while Vito, Joe and myself are in the other room playing these songs. Chris really seems to enjoy the direction and vibe of the new material so thats good. And Paul seems to be at ease with how things are going, which is a good sign, since he too tends to overanalyze and worry about the material at this stage much like I do.

As Paul mentioned before, we're using some new gear this time around. A new kit for Joe, a very nice DW kit that just sounds smokin' good. One thing that we've felt with almost every release we've had in the past, was that the drum sound was never quite good enough. Chris, Dan and James managed to pull off a pretty good drum sound on TPHD, certainly. I think this time we're going to top that.
Amp-wise, Vito and I are going to be using pretty much the same kind of set-up as last time. Most of the crunch will come from a Mesa Triple Rectifier, and we'll augment our guitar sound with other miscellaneous amps and effects too. As always I'll be using top notch Marshall cabs. Might throw some other cabs in there too just to try some different sounds. Predominantly when playing live, Vito and I will use our Line 6 heads because they're so reliable and road-worthy. They'll probably get some use in the studio too I'm sure.

Having Willie around to help us with setting up the guitars is a real help. Cuts down alot on time and lets us focus more on recording and playing. He's going to be hitting the road again soon so luckily we have him for a little while at our disposal until he leaves. The poor guy just never sleeps enough, though. At one point I caught him sitting up asleep, still in mid-stretch of a guitar string! Chris jumped up and tried to get a pic of him like this, but the commotion woke Willie up first.

Anyhow, everything Saturday went fairly smooth. Sunday would prove to be a bit more trying.....
June 18th, 2006 (Sunday)

(Paul) Breakfast, a quick stop at the local Music Go Round to pick up strings and drum heads, and we arrive back to finish tracking the drums. The overall energy level was a bit lower on day 2, as SOME people we're out until 3 AM getting their drink on. Things quickly began, and Joe knocked off 'Dominate the Human Strain,' 'Leaving This' and 'The Voice of Failure.' After reviewing all the tracks, it was decided the tracking of the drums were finished. The sound is amazing, and solid. The foundation has been laid, and this week the drum editing takes place. This is done in ProTools. It's a process were fine details can be looked at and fixed. If a kick drum is off the beat slightly, it can be moved. If a cymbal wavers or doesn't ring out correctly, it can be fixed. It's an amazing process that wasn't commonly available to bands until recently. This is same process as we recorded 'The Pale Haunt Departure' only now in HD. This process is such a huge time saver, and allows the musician to focus on performance and feel, and not stop playing if a kick is off time a fraction of a second. Basically, you no longer have to be "perfect" from start to finish.

So, the day comes to an end, we break down the drums, pack up the gear, lay down the 'Eighteen' Magazine, and head out the door on the 2 hour trek home.

[Voted in by Paul]
Larry - "Who writes this shit? Like any of these broads use the word cunny"


First of all, let me address that quote up above from me...Vito went to the store next door to pick up some ridiculous porn mag, as Paul previously mentioned. A couple of decent lookers in the mag notwithstanding, I couldn't get over how ludicrous the writing was. Every pictorial was augmented with an article that was supposedly written by the model herself. It didn't take long to figure out that as usual, it was probably written by some smut-monger 57 year old male. That's all to be expected really (does anyone actually READ a porn mag, anyhow?) but what killed me was the use of certain words. What the fuck is "cunny"? I mean I know what it stands for but what a ridiculous word. And the idea of trying to say that some 19 year old girl is referring to her own privates as such just cracked me up. There were plenty of other ludicrous words and quotes in there too, as you can imagine, I won't even get into it. The mag was purchased as a means of having something to crack on and laugh about really, I swear!! LOL

Anyways, we made a quick trip to the music store for more strings and drum heads and then got to work tracking the final three songs. "Leaving This" flowed very easily from us and we got a couple of outstanding takes done quickly for that song, which surprised me. The other two songs turned out to be a bit more difficult. Add to it that we were all feeling a bit tired didn't help. Sometimes we have a tendency to want to keep changing and refining our songs up to the very moment the engineer hits the "record" button, and sometimes it's to our detriment. Finally we just got on with it and played the songs the way they should be played, and the job was done. After going in at the end of the day and sitting down and listening to the completed tracks, we felt alot better about what we'd done, as we were able to really sit back and listen to it clearly.

Oh man, one thing about recording that I cannot stand....the fucking click track. We record our songs with a click track metronome, so as to insure that we keep steady and the beat doesn't fluctuate too much. Most bands, of all kinds, record this way usually. Honestly I don't mind it at all because I like things to be steady and precise. The part I hate though, is that the fucking click track is a very loud abrasive cowbell. LOL This sound is chosen because it cuts through the volume and low end of the guitars and drums, and makes it easier to hear when tracking. But man, that loud cowbell just rings in your head for hours even after you're done. Imagine the skit from SNL with Blue Oyster Cult doing "Dont Fear the Reaper". The part where Will Ferrel is playing that obnoxious cowbell right up against the guitarist's ear? Imagine dealing with that for hours and hours every day for a couple of weeks, haha.

As Paul said, now Chris has to spend time cleaning up the tracks, taking out unwanted background noise or making sure things are precise, etc. Some might balk at the thought of this, but trust me, this is common procedure even for some of the most "brutal" and "underground" bands out there. It's not a big deal really, just makes sure we get clean, precise tracks to mix later on. Plus they put so many damn mics on the drums, I'm sure it's quite a herculean task trying to go through each track to make sure it recorded cleanly and properly. Fucking perfectionists!! ;)

Now we await Chris' work to be done, so I can go in and start laying down all my guitar tracks. Heavy rhythms, clean rhythms, acoustics, guitar solos, other layers and textures......goddamn, I have alot of work ahead of me. Wish me luck.
June 24th, 2006 (Saturday)

(Paul) The day started with a check in to the local motel we'll be at for the next 7 days, and then arrive at the studio around noon. The first several hours were spent testing different guitar cabinets and microphones to dial in the best guitar tone possible. Find the perfect tone for us, using mixture of a Mesa head, Marshall cabinets, and shure microphones, we were ready to begin. The day was all business, and al of Larry's rhythm tracks have been completed. At the end of the evening, Chris asked if I would grab a mic, and drop in some vocal scratch tracks, down and dirty. I had some fun with this, changing some of the lyrics. A very productive day, and the reward of the Ultimate Fighter live Finale waited for me back at the motel.

Larry - "I want the end of this song to be big and sad... You know, like Paul!"


Saturday was when the real hard work got started for me. We spent a fair amount of time testing different guitar sounds and mic'ing up different cabinets to see what worked best. I mainly used a Marshall cabinet for all of my stuff. Vito's guitar tone is a mixture of a Marshall and a Randall cabinet. It makes for a nice separation of tones so we don't just sound too similar. It was a long day of tracking, but I managed to get the majority of my rhythm tracks done. With each album I'm getting better and faster at laying down my tracks, thankfully. Chris is a big help in terms of giving me input on things I can change or do differently in order to make them sound tighter or more interesting. Paul spent a big chunk of the day watching his UFC stuff, so I had to tear him away from the tv to come listen to tracks now and then haha Anyhow, it all went pretty smoothly and everything was set for the next day for Vito to start his tracking....
June 25th, 2006 (Sunday)

(Paul) Today is all Vito. He came in and got to work right away, since the guitar tones were already set from the day before. His guitar already gives his tracks a slightly different tone, as well as the addition of a different cabinet to enhance the sound. Hearing all the rhythm guitar tracks layered over the drums, with even the shitty scratch vocal track, the songs are really starting to take on life. Vito quickly ran through his tracks, putting us right on schedule. Hopefully the rest of the sessions will go this smoothly! As a added bonus for you, we made a short video for you to check out. We'll do more later in the week as well. Enjoy!

Mike at X-Press Food Mart - "Take your weiner and your sack, and get out!"


Vito managed to get his tracks done really quickly too, so before no time we had all the heavy rhythm guitars layered on the songs, and as Paul said, it sounds thick and heavy. This is by far our heaviest cd overall. That's not to say that there aren't softer, quieter moments on here as well. That's a big part of ND and will always be there, no worries. But some of these songs are turning out to be even heavier than I'd anticipated. In a good way (at least in my opinion)! By the end of the day, we set a game plan for what we wanted to tackle the next day. So far so good....
June 26th, 2006 (Monday)

(Paul) Wow, what a productive and very long day. 12 hours of non-stop guitars. All the guitars on the disc (minus the bass) are 99% complete. Today, Larry and Vito completed all clean tone, acoustic, melodic,layered, and solo guitars. It's amazing to hear this material come together like this. The overall sound, and power of this disc will blow you away. It was all business today, not much time for screwing around, but of course we did. Larry tracked an amazing acoustic version of "Disarm" by the Smashing Pumpkins. A total joke take, but we laughed for a long time. With Larrys permission, we'll post it for you eventually. Tomorrow we finish about an hours worth of touch up guitar, and I start my vocals. We're on schedule to complete the tracking by Friday, so all is well!

Larry - "FIre in the flames and boy, it's burning!"


Yes, quite a long day indeed. By the end of Monday I was pretty tired. Both Vito and I had alot of guitar parts to tackle, and I had alot of acoustic work to do so by the end of it all, my fingers were getting rather numb LOL One thing that listeners will notice (or at least those who've listened to us regularly in the past) when listening to the new cd, is that there's more guitar solos on this cd. Before some people start thinking we're being "trendy" with that idea, here's the reason for that....
First of all, we've had fans asking us for years about why we don't feature more solo guitars, and saying they'd like to hear more, so this time around we decided to go for it. Secondly, the reason we didn't feature them so much in the past, was because I don't believe in having solos in songs just for the hell of it. The song has to really be calling for it in order for me to be inspired to put a solo in there. This time around, the material really worked well for adding guitar solos, so I said fuck it, I'll go for it. Hopefully people will enjoy it when they hear it.
Oh, as for the whole Smashing Pumpkins bit.....we were joking around in the studio about making one of the songs sound like an SP song (don't worry, it won't sound anything like it!! LOL) Everyone was singing "Disarm" and I grabbed the acoustic and started singing and playing it doing a funny impersonation of Billy Corgan, and Chris recorded it. Not sure if I want it out there floating around for anyone to hear, because if you don't know the joke behind it, someone might think I was serious! Maybe someday, we'll see. We started joking around a bit more towards the end of the night, I think because we were all exhausted and delirious at that point. Paul and I were singing fucked up joke-y shit and being total idiots and cracking ourselves up. Luckily Chris didn't record that! It was good though, we needed to blow off a bit of steam.
June 27th, 2006 (Tuesday)

Larry jumped right in first thing today, finishing up the acoustics on Leaving This, completing all the guitars for the CD. All thats left now is vocals, bass, percussion elements, and keys. So today we focused on all my clean vocals. This disc has 2 compete "clean vocal" songs, and 4 others have some grand moments of very huge sounding cleans, consisting of some amazing harmonies. Being honest, it's fleshing out better then I expected. This CD will have many surprises and you'll hear things you would not expect from us, and at the same time, you'll know it's ND. I can't give too much away, but this will make pale haunt look like less metal. LOL

All joking aside, I completed al my clean vocals, except for one song, Leaving This. I'll attack that in the morning, and once that's complete, it's time to unleash the demon... Growling begins!

We started another video, we'll post it in the next day or so!

Chris - "H***s produces better men in that family, and DON'T quote me on that!" ***The name was hidden to protect the innocent!***


So even after three long, full days of tracking guitars, we were still not done. Tuesday we got started right away with me finishing up the remaining guitar stuff on "Leaving This", "Our Twilight Innocence" and some other little bits. It all came out good, even though I tend to never be satisfied with my performance often times. Paul and Chris reassured me that what I did was good enough! So now it looks as though the guitars are pretty much completed. I never say for certain because many times new ideas will pop up as we start tracking the vocals, bass, keys, etc. But as it stands right now, it looks like guitars are done. Paul got started on doing his proper vocal tracks, mainly clean melodic vocals. His vocals honestly sound stronger than ever. Paul's clean melodies have come a long way. Chris of course had many cool ideas for Paul to try and I basically just kept my mouth shut and watched these two put it all together. In some ways, the clean vocals are different than they've been in the past.......not drastically but just new ideas thrown into the mix. Don't worry, nothing crazy, but we always like to try and push ourselves to get new sounds or do new things. No two ND albums sound exactly alike, in my opinion, and that continues on with this new disc....
June 28th, 2006 (Wednesday)

(Paul) The plan was to finish up my clean vocals in the morning, and try to knock out about 3 songs of growling. Well, after I got started on the heavy vocals, It was coming out so well, I kept on going, and finished all my vocals today. I am 100% done now. Bass started in the late evening, and tomorrow is all Bass during the day and Keys in the evening. We're getting very close to completing tracking, and I'm looking forward to hearing this in it's complete form. It's really something. I can't wait for everyone to hear it! We're still working on one more video for you, hopefully tomorrow!

Paul - "LET'S GROWL"
June 29th, 2006 (Thursday)

Noon was our start time today, and when we arrived we found Chris had already tracked bass for Rain, and The Novella Reservoir. He then started working on Drown the Inland Mere. All three are complete, and later in the evening Eddie arrived, and we recorded all the keys and piano for the CD. Another very long and very productive day! Tomorrow is the final day, and it will be another long one, so expect the final video, with a few more samples to hear!

Chris - "Look at that, it's like shooting green cocks of sound!"
June 30th, 2006 (Friday)

Joe arrived early, and nailed all the percussion in the first hour he was there, so all the focus went into the last 4 songs needing bass guitar. Chris knocked them out while we watched Spider-Man from the 1967 cartoon series. The good news, we are now 100% done with tracking the new CD. It was a long 2 weeks, with a great lack of sleep, we know you'll enjoy this. Here's the last video to hold you over a bit more. Next up, Swanos mix!
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