The Nu-Metal Guide - Form your own Nu-Metal band

Knock Renfield said:
Nu-metal is dying. OUTSTANDING!!!! This is a funny funny site. All true, too.
It's not dying...IT'S DEAD! Nobody bothered to schedule a funeral due to a lack of interest. :)
I love Nu-Metal. It's like Springer. You have to feel good about yourself after such incredible crap. Even though I have played guitar for 20 years, I finally feel I could do something professionally. I wish others would feel as comfortable. Metal, metal, metal, metal.
Knock Renfield said:
Nu-metal is dying. OUTSTANDING!!!!

Now if Rap music would only follow suit. I was hoping it was just going to be a bad music fad like disco, but since rhyming words to fabricated music (for lack of a better term) takes no talent, I fear Rap is here to stay. :(

I absolutely loved the Nu-Metal website though! :D
While bartending at HOGUES ...I noticed TONS and TONS and TONS of hardcore bands but these young kids usually have not studdied their roots and usually only one out of the five has actually heard Slayer or Maiden etc. All their influences are just people out today so that doesn't challenge them as much musically. There are some bands out there that do tune down but they put a different spin on the metal thing, they don't rap and it's still heavy. I'm not sure if you'd call that NU METAL...but I like it.
A good rule of thumb, for me, is if MTV plays it, I hate it. :) VH-1 will sometimes play some good music and interesting band biographies (I am especially digging the "I Love the 70's/80's" series).

Heh, I was just watching Live after Death, and Bruce was ripping on MTV in between songs near the end of the tape. He said that an interviewer found it amazing that Iron Maiden could sell out Long Beach Arena three nights in a row, but get no MTV and radio airplay.
Chickenson.......u will like my band then cuz we go out of our way to not sound like all the "nu-metal.....and i agree with u about most of those nu-metal, and i'll even say the hardcore bands soundintg the same......i hate that they sound the same but its better for my band to stand out more.

but i have to say my roots go back even sabbath, the original metal band as far as i'm concerned......and also zep, hendrix, janis, and the doors, not really metal but still my roots
psykopain said:
i hate that they sound the same but its better for my band to stand out more.
All bands should stand out more. That's why there's so many unsigned bands. They all sound like they're mimicing whatever's popular at the moment.

I recently did a search on the Recycler to hear what bands were looking for bassists and the amount of Korn and Marilyn Manson clones out there is nauseating.
Bruce Chickinson said:
these young kids usually have not studdied their roots and usually only one out of the five has actually heard Slayer or Maiden etc. All their influences are just people out today .
i thought about this and just had to say..........most of the new bands arent rooted by maiden or slayer......they'r rooted by bands in the mid to late 90's. slayer was there but not maiden so that might be why its not there roots.

i dont even go to my roots to write music......i go into my psyko-warped brain for that.......hehe
I think if you're currently signed to a major label and you're a "rock band"... you fall into the Nu-Metal catagory.

Nu-metal... old metal... it doesn't really matter.

The cream always rises in every style of music: mudvayne, soad (until the singer starts talking politics, then they suck), killswitch engaged, etc.

There are alot of crappy black, death, progressive, rap, power metal bands out there too. Pick out the best & chuck the rest.

All forms of Metal are found in the "Rock" section when you walk into a record store. So for me it breaks down into two catagories = music that sucks and music that doens't. I favor the music that doesn't suck.
Bruce Chickinson said:
While bartending at HOGUES ...I noticed TONS and TONS and TONS of hardcore bands but these young kids usually have not studdied their roots and usually only one out of the five has actually heard Slayer or Maiden etc.
That, my dear, is par for the course. Kids have little connection to almost anything made before they were born, and most of them were born around the time of the bands you mention. A 16-yr-old fan (obviously not going to be in Hogues) will not remember Maiden, Priest, Metallica, or Slayer at their zenith, and if they look at them now, they see their parents (Maiden and Priest are in their late 40s to 50s, Metallica's members are at or approaching 40). There's classic rock stations but 80s metal hasn't qualified yet. Besides, no one wants that title because it implies age.

For anyone, not just a kid, to find new bands requires effort. If you take what you are spoonfed, which most do, then all you know is mallcore. That's why I read Outburn, not Revolver. :)
Actually, Hogue's is all ages for some shows.

As to material from before I was born, if that was the case, I would not be listening to stuff like Hendrix, Zeppelin or Black Sabbath. I certainly didn't write off any stuff that I hadn't been exposed to simply because I hadn't heard it. I also didn't write off what my parents listened to simply because my friends said that it wasn't cool to listen to that music. I simply picked what I would or wouldn't listen to after I had heard it, friends and family be damned.

I feel it's simply a matter of keeping your mind open to other things, even if it is, "before your time."
Bruce Chickinson said:
While bartending at HOGUES ...I noticed TONS and TONS and TONS of hardcore bands but these young kids usually have not studdied their roots and usually only one out of the five has actually heard Slayer or Maiden etc. All their influences are just people out today so that doesn't challenge them as much musically. There are some bands out there that do tune down but they put a different spin on the metal thing, they don't rap and it's still heavy. I'm not sure if you'd call that NU METAL...but I like it.

Well said, but music has changed in the past 5 years. The 90s hurt metal, but didnt kill it. Bands like slipnot and ICP were popular years ago, but thank god their not considered the "best metal band" anymore. Im 16, 4 classes a day, like 5 overall each semester, atleast 1/3 people know who maiden is, because they simply listen to the new bands that are good and give credit to maiden Ie. Godsmack, disturbed.. Chances are they have heard their stuff too.

Maiden is the #1 hard rock - metal act in the world right now, their almost just as famous as they were in the 80s, because the quality of rock-metal right now is at its peak since the 70s, as far as quality is concerned. People arent sold to BS anymore, and thank god. Its a start of a new era, and im glad to be a musician during it.