
Relentless sludgey shite with horribly tune guitars that they use to cobble together a single plausible idea that they don't refine enough to be any good. (READ: lack of song writing) ...Sometimes they don't even do that.

They typically attempt to sing clean vocals at times and really really suck at it.

They attempt to growl but instead just scream like an idiot.

For good measure: their fans like to bend their baseball hats UP rather than around and wear them crooked... similar to a retard.
whats the features that make you hear that the band is NU
Downtuned power chord riffing, formulaic all-purpose mid-tempo drum patterns, very little structure outside of typical verse-chorus-buildup-verse-chorus-verse-outro type thing, lack of narrative structure prevalent in most metal, generic half-bark-half-clean vocals (so they're not too "gay" or too "satanic" for the mallgoth crowd), etc...I could go on for a while.
The lack of agression, chug riffs, clean signing, and formulaic song writing. Usually bland and bores the hell out of alot of people.

The Wiki entry actually sounds good.
Yeah that statement makes no sense whatsoever. There's loads of passionate music that is not in any way agressive. Though I do agree that a lot of nu-metal does lack passion, but that has more to do with the manufactured and compromising feel it has to it. There is nothing wrong with not being agressive, but trying to be agressive-but-not-so-agressive-that-you-can't-sell-a-million-records is just stupid. That's really what I hate more than anything else about the nu-metal/emocore scene, the whole faux-extreme thing.
A) Dropped-d tuning used simply for power chords on the 6th and 5th strings
B) Mind-destroying simplicity
C) Whiny, teen-angst ridden lyrics
D) Good singing yet horrible screaming
NOTE: I am citing Disturbed specfically in this, and very few bands live up to that standard
E) Lack of solos
F) A horrible hip-hop influence
G) An overall sense of "There has to be something better than this!"