The Nu-Metal Guide - Form your own Nu-Metal band

yeah, that link is a joke- the argument for me is like splitting hairs. when the nu stuff started hitting late 90z, i enjoyed listening to songs that weren't created to solo over. yeah, the one finger chord is easy, but it opens up a song for rhythms and melodies. i love hearing a good chorus and i love to shake my ass to a good beat (stark in deathmetal: the nu years). but i also love banging my head to some hardcore and hearing cool guitar stuff. i would have to agree that lately the lack of musicianship in the world of popular music is discouraging and creativity is becoming stagnant. but i would have to disagree that the bulk of these genres are void of talent. you can't rap if you don't have rhythm and prose, and IMHO, there must be something good about a song/cd/artist that can sell a grip of product.
i'm glad most of the new bands sound'll make the original sounding bands stand out mine....hehe.....if i can get our internal problems in check, we will make a big impact.

MiniMurray......the pitbull in ur it ur dog?
i have a soft spot in my heart for those far as i feel, they'r the best dogs to have.... ;)