Hate to interrupt from the football/games threads..
but..I finished mixing Beast.
You can find the Karaoke track on my myplay locker. msg me if you don't have access and want it
You can find the final track with 7th vox in Maidenmans locker.
If you can't get one or the other, let me know. I can email it.
EC..I hope you can grab em and post em on the website. =)
Comments always welcome. I am not adverse to remixing if you can't live with something.
but..I finished mixing Beast.
You can find the Karaoke track on my myplay locker. msg me if you don't have access and want it
You can find the final track with 7th vox in Maidenmans locker.
If you can't get one or the other, let me know. I can email it.
EC..I hope you can grab em and post em on the website. =)
Comments always welcome. I am not adverse to remixing if you can't live with something.