NoThanatos said:should I feel bad because you didn't miss me?
Think what you like.Should I think Thanny is overreacting?
You're too young for me and live too far away. ;p This isn't the desert or the middle ages. If it was I may reconsider...Darkness Eternal said:
Most of the time yes.Thanatos said:are you indifferent?
As I said before age doesn't matter.Is he too young for me?
Explain what a twinkie is pls.Theredintheskyisours said:What does "I stuck my human twinkie into the lion's den and it bit the fucker off, so I beat it to death" mean in Swedish.
Also can you speak Finnish and/or Norwegian? And for that matter what other languages can you speak besides English and Swedish?
It doesn't mean anything.Mistress of sorrow83 said:What does Thyrfing means ?
I think they all rock.ShroudOfDusk said:What's your favorite episode of Family Guy?
Stewie and Quagmire.ShroudOfDusk said:Who's your favorite character then?
She don't have internet right now.chris-o-fer said:Hey Tb, do you know where ~metal maiden~'s at? I haven't seen her around in forever.
The Twinkie is the main reason why Americans are so fat.TB666 said:Explain what a twinkie is pls.