Well I love our freedom of speech and I love our winters.Under a Stone said:What do you love about your homecountry?
Well the TB is the initials from my name and the 666 is because I was reading alot about satanism at the time I joined UM.Spike said:What does your username stand for... it´s kinda, plain, isn´t it?
Well it is not perfect but atleast we are better than the americans.Sorath said:Do you actually think that we have freedom of speech?
Actually I have no idea.~metal_maiden~ said:Why is Sorath obsessed with seeing people's nipples?
As long as it doesn't offend anybody's race then it is ok.NoLordy Capone said:What are Sweden's rules on speech rights?
Never made yellow snow actually.Do you like to make yellow snow?
Well there is Mortiis(old mortiis).Do you listen to any non-metal bands?
Well they should be on you.Where are my pants?
Yeah.Do you miss me?
I hate ham and I have never eaten a lemon merigue pie so I don't know.If you were given four packets of ham and a lemon merigue pie what would you eat first and why? Also would you lay on them or throw them?
Green.What's your eyes's colour ?
Never.NoLordy Capone said:I could live with those rules. I'd still make jesus jokes. ( I know, not exactly a race, but so what?)
Does anything make you squeal like a girl?