Well the union of course.Arch said:Who had better weaponry? The union or the confederates?
3 minutes.Arch said:How many minutes off is the UM's server from your computer's system clock?
Of course I would.How would you help out a close friend who is suicidal?
Oh sorry~metal_maiden~ said:You didn't answer my question properly, sir... I asked "How would you help..." not "Would you help...".
And when are you getting your Swedish ass on MSN?
Norway or Finland.Arch said:Which country should Sweden invade next?
Well I would try to find out what she feels about me first but if my love is strong enough and she is single then I would tell her.Caillac said:If you like a girl .. do you tell it to her or do you wait to make sure she likes you too?
Sure, that would be sweet.Arch said:Do you ever want to meet Princess Madeleine?